“My name's Takeshi; you may not have seen me with you guys since I was hiding in the corner of the shrine videotaping your fight, either way, a pleasure to meet you all and hope we can meet again under less dire circumstances.” For a night where he expected to finds nothing, he had won the lottery, though the importance of his mission didn't pass through deaf ears. Since he was an average human he couldn't expect to fight the monsters like his youkai companions; instead, Takeshi would try to do the thing he is best at and try to leave some cameras in there and pick them up later. Hopefully, they could record something interesting about the things on the other side. As he watched the footage of his phone before going to bed, he remembered that his video camera was still on the shrine. Takeshi would make the priest more angry with him if he came back for it this late at night, he had to go for it tomorrow, and may as well explore the near surroundings of the city of mirrors while he is there. Ready to go to the shrine he packed in bag binoculars, a flashlight, batteries, the pills the priest gave him, an old camera he had and a first aid kit, as well as carrying his Dad baseball bat if he had to defend himself. Reaching the shrine, he happily told the priest “Hey guess who forgot his cam-” Takeshi stopped as Ayumi stormed into the room, wanting to go to the portal immediately. Using his interruption to examine the room he noticed two people that weren't yesterday. “I came here wanting to do the same thing, just let me retrieve my camera,” he said to the Ayumi “But before I go for it I have to ask, what is a high school girl and the owner of a perfume shop doing here? Were they also abducted last night? Are you human of youkai?”