[color=#F5DA81][center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/dc5cc2d0043183bac8d4f3950e19395c.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][/color] [indent][i]"If you want me, come and claim me!"[/i][/indent] Kiyanna was more fearsome than Ander gave her credit for. Ander's nose pricked up picking up the fading smell of iron in the air, [i][color=#F5DA81]Blood, it seems that whatever is watching us is injured. Anything that bleeds can be killed, if need be.[/color][/i] The beast was quick on it's feet, with Ander barely being able to keep up. It also seemed more cautious than before, maybe due to the bold display and proclamation of strength showed off his by his compatriot. Well, even he would be slightly rattled after witnessing something like that. At this he sighed and drew out his sword, with it glinting against the sun's rays, he wanted to avoid a fight but it seemed that he had no other option. Though it wasn't like he was going to reason with the wolf-like creature anyway, even if it did look more human than animal. Ander hoped that his swordsmanship was still up to par as he had a been idle for awhile, but one look at his weapon and a small smirk made it seem like it wouldn't be a problem. The end of his sword drifted towards a bush rustling, out of the woods came a woman of Northern decent. Her features gave that away as she looked similar to the villagers. Her hands seemed tightly grip on an arrow, probably also wary of what Kiyanna had done earlier, from this he assumed that she was a hunter with her calloused hands being furthering his already cemented theory. [indent][i]"H-Hello,"[/i][/indent] He eyed her up and down, it wasn't too absurd to assume that she was the one who managed to injure the wolf-like creature. The accuracy was nothing to scoff at given it's expeditious movement. [color=#F5DA81]"Greetings."[/color] Ander called out, his usual smile masking his face, [color=#F5DA81]"Have you come to drink water aswell? Maybe fishing?"[/color] Maybe diffusing the tension would help, being too tense makes you freeze on the spot when the action actually starts. He didn't factor in that his intention might not have been all that clear. [color=#F5DA81]"Oh, it seemed to have ran off. I don't feel it watching us."[/color] he called out, already sheathing his blade. [right][@LadyRunic][@Kidd][@Valor][/right]