[Hider=Kitt Lionel][Center][img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/8fd0/f/2011/004/f/1/katt_bof_rinppo_by_kutoal-d36e8wh.jpg[/img] [b]*Judgemental Staring*[/b] [i]~ Kitt Lionel, silent as always.[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Kitt Lionel [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Race:[/b] An odd hybrid of Human and Cheetah, as seen by the [url=http://orig05.deviantart.net/4410/f/2009/334/8/3/rinpoo_by_tanpopi.png]Lower half of her body.[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Kitt is silent, but full of personality; She's very bouncy, has a low attention span, and seems to be extremely curious regarding just about anything. Despite these cute qualities, Kitt is a natural predator in battle; She's instinctively vicious, though appears to enjoy playing with her opponents more than outright beating them down, unless angered. She's naturally sassy, not afraid to express her opinions despite how others would feel about them; Rolling her eyes, yawning out of boredom, among other things people could consider rude. Everyone is constantly on the fence with her: One moment, she might seem to like you, especially if you feed her, but another moment and she might be trying to bash your face in if you manage to be lost in her short-term memory. If you can keep her on your good side, she's a wonderful friend to have; And won't be afraid to lunge at threats to those she considers to be on her side. Those on the other side of the conflict better watch out, however; She easily becomes very protective of people who try to get close to her, despite her mood constantly changing; If they want to start trouble, they better be ready to end it. [b]History:[/b] Though Kitt's origins are mostly clouded due to her natural short-term memory causing her trouble, she grew up almost like a wild animal; Raised by wild cats to hunt like them, protect like them, and be absolutely adorable and cuddly like them. Well, maybe not that last part; As she mostly got swatted away when she got too clingy, mostly because it was annoying. As she grew older, she became more curious about what was beyond the plains she ran in, hunting with cats that were tough, and faster than most would imagine. She was in her mid-teens when she ended up wandering off a bit on her own; Coming across her first taste of human contact. A young man, by the name of Mikael. He hadn't even been startled by her; As she approached on all-fours, she was a bit creepy, yeah; But they quickly began getting along after Mikael offered her food; The girl not really understanding what he was saying, but appreciated the snack nonetheless. These encounters continued for several months, both youths curious about one-another as one was an oddity in the eyes of the other, plus, the food. Kitt loved the food. Slowly, Kitt began to learn human interaction. Though she never began to speak, her purrs and such being all she could grasp. Human language was slowly becoming understandable, however; She was making progress. Progress that eventually led to the girl traveling off with Mikael, leaving her wild family behind; The two went on to adventure a lot together, her friend being a martial artist that traveled in search of challenges. From the age of sixteen to twenty in the present time, she became invested in his love for martial arts; Not exactly learning them herself, but adapting them into her wild animal style so she could fight, too, and provide him a good sparring partner. Mikael was excited to partake in the 20th World Martial Arts Tournament: Entering, along with Kitt, who was curious to see if she could find some fun prey to play around with. Sadly for Mikael and Kitt both, they were pinned against each-other quite quickly; With Kitt being conflicted, but eventually, unrelenting as Mikael requested her to be. She came out above him, after an extremely close match. If they had been pitted against anyone else, both would have probably moved on; But as it stood, only one could. And Kitt, plowing forward for the man that cheered her on, intended to win. [b]Common Techniques [sub]which are terribly named[/sub][/b] [list][*] [sub][b]Primal Style, Cheetah Prance:[/b] While Kitt is capable of fighting on two feet, she's much more agile and capable on all-fours; Combining her attempt at martial arts with her cat instincts to fight effectively.[/sub] [*] [sub][b]Cat Snip:[/b] Kitt notably has sharp claws on her cheetah-like legs, perfect for cutting at an opponent when she kicks.[/sub] [*] [sub][b]Yarn Ball Roll:[/b] Admittedly she loves yarn balls, and over time with Mikael teasing her with them, has managed to learn to roll similarly. Good for dodging, or closing distance; Especially since she can spring out of the roll and into the air to come down at her opponent to attack.[/sub] [*] [sub][b]Plunge Lunge:[/b] The signature move used in the air after leaping out of a Yarn Ball Roll; Often Kitt will attempt to pin smaller or equal sized opponents; Digging at their legs with her cat legs and assaulting their head region with her fists.[/sub] [*] [sub][b]Buffalo Drop:[/b] A technique Mikael showed Kitt to take down larger opponents. Kitt leaps, usually out of a Yarn Ball Roll, and grips her opponent's shoulders tightly; Before attempting to drive both of her feet into her opponent's face, releasing their shoulders as the blow connects and falling back in an attempt to both knock down her opponent and make some distance in case it doesn't work.[/sub] [/list] [b]Other: [b]Kitt's Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0MVkA3HGNM[/youtube][/b][/Center][/Hider]