[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ccff]Cecily Ashworth[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/e3b976807eb22e79060c395b7da8f32d/tumblr_mqr81zwj9D1qf1aoao9_r1_250.gif[/img][hr]Location: the Morgue[/center][hr][hr]With all the comments of people needing to take care of her, Cecily was tempted to reply that she could take care of herself. But to be truthful, she wasn't sure if she could. This world wasn't one that she had glimpsed at beyond in comic books, and she already had figured she wouldn't last a week in some of her favorite stories. As much as she felt slightly babied with everyone asking everyone to look out for her, she knew it was for the best. Odds were, she wouldn't survive the week, even with their help. [color=00ccff]"Great, thank you,"[/color] Cecily replied to Riley over the phone, smiling at the ironic comment of it being her lucky day. She had nearly been killed, but managed to escape--she supposed that was lucky enough. [color=00ccff]"Agent Tinder? Cecily Ashworth, acting coroner. Would it be possible to set up a meeting with you?"[/color] She paused, glancing at Caesar, as if to ask when to set the meeting up for. After all, they were fleeing to Mexico in the morning--that'd make any appointments a bit hard to keep. She vaguely waved goodbye to Roy as he left, waiting on the FBI agent on the phone. She figured that Agent Tinder'd be skeptical at best, but she was hoping that he'd be willing to help them out regardless. Though, Cecily also wondered whether or not she had painted a target on Tinder's back as well.