As the stranger approached the group, Hiro was flabbergasted by the walking sparkle. [i][color=8dc73f]Who?[/color][/i] Hiro's inner question was soon answered by the man(?) saying he was some sort of actor. [color=8dc73f][i]Riiiiiiight...[/i][/color] Mable acknowledging the man didn't exactly help either, as soon the two were engaged in battle. [color=8dc73f][i]And did she really just get mad at him for a movie?[/i][/color] Hiro was sort of glad he didn't fight the stranger, though. His team wouldn't hold themselves very well against Ice-types, maybe if Buizel could defeat the man on his own, but that seemed unlikely. Hiro sighed in relief as the battle ended, finally they could leave this looney behind, none too soon too. [color=8dc73f]"Alright, with that out of the way...Let's keep going, girls."[/color] Hiro smiled and turned to Mable. Realizing Marlene had disappeared Hiro's smile quickly ran away from his face. [color=8dc73f]"Mable, do you know where Marlene went?"[/color] Upon hearing negative, Hiro called for her. [color=8dc73f]"Shit! MARLENE! Where are you?"[/color] Sending out his Buizel, Hiro dashed off into the forest. [color=8dc73f]"Quickly, Mable! We need to look for her!"[/color] Sending his buizel forward to help look for Marlene, he turned around for a moment to see if Mable could keep up. He'd run off rather suddenly, despite having stated his intentions. If Mable wasn't keeping up, that'd be another problem he'd rather not deal with. Either which way, Hiro kept running, if he turned back now he'd never catch up to Marlene. With twilight settling in, he'd better find her fast, or this could be a rough night. The night wouldn't be the only rough thing however, as his search also soon hit a rough patch. Buizel had run into a weedle, while not the biggest of threats, Weedle could still leave a nasty pokémon that he had no way of dealing with right now. Luckily, the weedle was dispatched in a single [b]Sonic Boom[/b], and Buizel quickly rushed forward again. Before a lot of distance could be covered however, Hiro ran into another pokémon, quite literally. While Buizel had shot straight past it, hiro had tripped over a small, out-of-place bonsai tree, which got up and was revealed to be a Bonsly. Hiro ordered Buizel to turn around and use [b]Sonic Boom[/b]. The attack hit Bonsly, but didn't manage to defeat it just yet. Instead it just left the pokémon tearing up. Bonsly didn't start crying before using [b]Copycat[/b], hitting Buizel and leaving it with a measly 2 HP. Hiro would've told Buizel to attack again, but something in him decided to catch the Pokémon instead. Hiro hurled a poké ball at it and Bonsly tried to run from the projectile coming his way, but his speed was inedequate to dodge the poké ball thrown from so close. The pokéball shook thrice, and with an affirmative click, Bonsly was caught! Hiro was happy to have a third pokémon, but had little time to celebrate, as he once more returned to looking for Marlene. [hr] Level progress: Shinx -> Lv7