Mable could hear the fear in Hiro's voice as he ran foward away from her into the sunset. The dark would be dangerous, before Mable could ask what the plan was Hiro vanished into the woods ahead of her. It was just Mable alone in the road now. There were wild pokemon in the field and her friends were lost. It would be smart for Mable wait near the road. If she lit a fire maybe her friends could find their ways back. Mable got to work gathering some wood and setting up her tent near where the two still had fresh tracks. When she did a small pokemon floated down for warmth. Mable was happily impressed with the tiny fletchling perched on her tent. Mable was hopeful sending out Shinx whispering [color=f26522]"Be careful shinx we want to catch it while it's still strong it may be able to track our friends in the morning"[/color] Mable beamed having Shinx tackle the small bird. Fletchling was hit circling back to peck shinx. Shinx took it easily the peck not seeming effective as it launched a second tackle. When Fledltchling hit the ground Mable smiled gently hoping the twitching bird would be strong enough to fly as she tossed her pokeball. [color=f26522]"please arcues for my friends"[/color] Mable waited with hopeful breath as the ball glowed red