Marlene had traveled deep into the forest. She figured the farther she went off the path most walked, the easier finding natural resources would be. She hadn't found anything yet, however, much to her dismay; No pecha, oran, or any type of berry. It was disappointing. She eventually stopped, breathing a little heavy as she had paced herself pretty poorly; That guy had been annoying and it took what felt like forever for her to be out of earshot. She had moved quick, not truly thinking as she shuffled between the trees, searching for any supplies that'd help on the way to the Capital. Stopping and leaning against a tree, she swore under her breath as she wiped sweat off her forehead; Noting it was pretty stuffy in these woods. [color=ed1c24]"This sucks..."[/color] She grumbled, before lifting her head and glancing about. It had gotten pretty dark; It was a bit harder to see, and as she looked around in a slow spinning motion, she became confused. Where had she came from? Everything was trees now; She couldn't even see her tracks in the dirt to make certain anymore. [color=ed1c24]"Wha--"[/color] Marlene grew quiet, hearing rustling. The bushes shook, to her left. The tree branches shambled to her right. Slowly, she began to back away, uncertainty filling her mind. Unclicking a ball from her belt, she released her Mudbray, which let out a confused cry as it looked around. She clicked her tongue, getting his attention. [color=ed1c24]"C'mon, boy. Keep up... Dangerous round' here."[/color] The two walked along, the young woman jumping at most things; Expecting a Pokemon at any moment. Thankfully, nothing. They were safe, it seemed. Though... Marlene had no idea where they currently were. She stopped, pulling out the Wonder Map, looking at it. Judging by how the map was revealed, she'd been going the wrong way for awhile. She had completely avoided the north; And that was no good. But thanks to the map, she'd be able to find her way. She studied it, not paying enough attention. A small Pokemon crawled up to her, observing her leg. It wiggled, it's stinger apparent to anyone who looked. Her Mudbray glanced downward and noticed, letting out a loud cry with a stamp of it's hooves; Startling the small Pokemon and Marlene; But the girl hadn't been as startled by his noise as she had been by the sharp pain in her leg; She looked down, noticing a damn Weedle. It had... Strung her? It must've gotten startled. Shit, this wasn't good. [color=ed1c24]"G-Get lost!"[/color] She yelled, kicking the worm; It was sent flying, slamming against a nearby tree. But that had caused the stinger to be removed, and the blood began to gush out without anything to hold it in. She sharply inhaled in response, the pain obvious as she limped over to a tree, falling down onto her stomach. A burning pain in her leg; That's all she felt. It was a Pokemon's poison; The damn thing had POISONED her! She'd die! [color=ed1c24]"Bri-- Aaaahhh, god! God... God, god, god... Ah need somethin' t' fight the poison. Ah need to wrap this up--"[/color] She pulled herself up, sitting against a tree. she cried out as she was forced to use her leg to push herself a bit. She unclicked the other ball on her belt. Mudbray's was somewhere, she dropped it; Hell if she really knew. But she soon released Dewpider. [color=ed1c24]"H-Hey, buddy... F-Find me a pecha berry with that sense for food you have!"[/color] She pleaded, the Dewpider looking concerned for her, but it nodded, quickly scurrying off. Mudbray walked over and laid by her side, loyally. He simply watched as she removed her bag, slamming it onto the ground. [color=ed1c24]"Now where is that damn shirt..."[/color] She spoke with urgency, and annoyance. She was not dying to some weedle; Though the burning was starting to go up her leg. This crap began to spread fast once it got in your system; This was crazy... And there was nobody within distance that she could even hear to call to help her. She simply put her faith in Dewpider. [color=ed1c24]"Ah hope the others are alright..."[/color]