[@Legion02] [b]Icarus Prime[/b] [i]Citadel-Two area[/i] [i]16:00 - Icarus Prime Central Time[/i] As the soldiers of EoM touched down upon the finely build pavement and buildings that adorned Citadel-One - splendor that had been bought by the wealth of Icarus' mines all of which flowed into the coffers of the planet and the Empire of Man. Soon enough the soldiers, whom had landed on the planet - could see the massive Vespen horde approaching. Without the Repulsor Fields to keep them at bay they smelled fresh meat - be it human or xeno, they would eagerly consume it. As one Marine Sergeant took aim - he could see the rows of teeth and eyes, that apporached him with eager hunger. Many others and him aswell, soon took aim at the beasts and when they were at range, round after round of ammunition was fired at the Vespen. Upon meeting contact, a few of them fell - yet many more kept charging, no matter how many times they fired - the Vespen horde kept closing in. Until... "WE'VE BEEN OVER-" yelled the Sergeant, before a Vespen' teeth latched onto his neck and snapped him in half. Many others, an entire horde following after them - as the established beach-head was quickly overrun. Since in the three centuries, they had lived here - many Imperial might have forgotten that Vespen' carapace was very resistant against ranged weapons. Even the deadly laser carbines, often times doing nothing to pierce their thick hides. The horde soon charged un-opposed, eagerly spreading into Citadel-Two - the city that was most closest to the Repulsor Fields and unleashing a massacre there. Many humans were torn apart on the streets or eaten alive - a large part of the xeno population having vanished. Namely into the hidden tunnels below the city and having completely destroyed the entrances - to prevent any Vespen or Imperial from following after them. Choosing an uncertain future over a certain and likely brutal death. But many other xenos were also eaten by the Vespen - as those whom were considered too symphatetic, too indoctrinated, or just too untrustworthy were left to be devoured by the Vespen. Luckily the majority of the humans, had been alerted and fleed to Citadel-One to escape the Vespen horde and only the most dull or most confused remained. As the Vespen devoured their way through Citadel-Two they soon smelled the gathering happening in Citadel-One - eagerly licking their blood covered lips before making for a charge towards Citadel-One. [i]"ATTENTION! SLAVES OF THE FALSE EMPEROR! YOUR PATHETIC EMPIRE WILL FAIL!"[/i] declared the hacked ancient speakers then. A last message from the [i]Revolution[/i] - a vengance long constructed over the centuries by the xenos who had slaves in the mines. As the Vespen was overrunning the EoM Army that were sent to stop the horde - the Vespen eagerly sprinted towards Citadel-One, where many humans had now crowded towards. Cattle waiting to be slaughtered as they had once done against the xenos. There was panic, there was crying, there was hysteria, there was prayer to the Emperor himself to come down and strike down the xeno beasts that would soon consume the human life of Icarus Prime forever. [b]"WE ARE THE DEFENDERS OF HUMANITY! WE ARE THE EMPEROR' BLAZING SWORD AND THE EMPIRE' CRUSHING FIST! HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF HANDS READY TO DIE FOR OUR MISSION, IN THE COLD UNFORGIVING VOID! WE ARE THE ORDER OF ICARUS!"[/b] spoke a new voice in the speakers - namely that of Grandmaster Alexius Harakam. Taking it upon himself, to restore the Order status as the Empires heroes. As thousands of Order soldiers were mustered - more than likely any Imperial expected to exist. All of them armored and armed, weapons sharpened and armors oiled. Today, the Order reclaimed their status in the Empire of Man. As they gathered and formed several linked-defenses at the only entrance into Citadel-One. All of them linking shields and blades, from where no Vespen would pierce through. Several rows formed, the first one being of the veterans, the second of the knights and the third and largest were of the recruits and initiates. At the very front stood the five Grandmasters - all wielding a weapon. A longsword, an axe, a poleaxe, a mace and even a spiked chain. [b]"ITS BETTER TO DIE FOR THE EMPEROR, THAN TO LIFE FOR YOURSELF!"[/b] roared Harakam - the Order answering his call as the Vespen horde impacted their wall and were broken against it. As the civilians cowered, and the EoM Army broke and licked their wounds - the Order slew the beasts of Vespen. Some of the Order fell, yet their lines didn't break and not one Vespen manage to brake through their lines and into Citadel-One.