When it came to fighting, especially infighting in his classroom, Hank McCoy preferred to have the people in question talk things out, normally in debate format. He was not oblivious to Shawn and Johnny's actions. Shawn didn't try very hard to conceal his little trick, and Johnny didn't try at all to hide his anger at the older teen. Hank was no therapist, but he could handle little things like this in his class. Shawn caught the little smile that Heidi had given him and returned it with one of his own. He was glad to be able to help out a teammate and friend, even at the expense of his own reputation against a classmate. "Determinism is the belief that everything is fated, and that out choices have already been made for us, for better or worse. Everything we say, do, and think, has been prewritten by the fates. Even in the Greek pantheon, the gods were subject to the fates, spinning the lives of every life form from beginning to end. Prometheus stealing fire from the gods as a gift for the humans? It was foretold, and witnessed by many." It was a soft jab that Shawn picked up on. He tilted his head down to his paper and looked around. With no audible or noticable reaction from Johnny, the kid behind him didn't seem to understand the soft reference to the most recent events. "Now, who can tell me what the opposite to determinism is?" Shawn, now knowing what the first belief was, used his critical thinking to piece together an answer for Doctor McCoy's question. His hand raised, and Hank pointed to him to answer. "Non-determinism? Indeterminism? The belief that nothing is written out, and everything that has ever happened has happened by chance. Like our mutations. Happening by chance. Honestly, it's a miracle that we're all here right now." With this newfound word, Shawn liked to believe that he supported Indeterminism. Everything happened by a roll of the dice, and nothing was written out. He wondered what sort of system of belief Heidi had, his eyes wandering back over to her as Hank began speaking again. From behind him, Shawn could hear a rather sharp noise. He knew just what it was, but turned just enough so he could see it with his own eyes. It was Johnny and his lighter again. In his left hand was the little lighter, his right pulling and twisting the flame with just the movements of his hands. Shawn was almost tempted to steal the flame again. If Johnny really wanted to start a fight, he should know that he was at a major disadvantage. Pyro, as Johnny called himself, could only manipulate fire, not generate. Shawn was able to do that and so much more, to the point where having a fight wouldn't even matter. Not to mention that Johnny was several years younger than him, which would make Shawn look bad if he did beat up the boy. It was hard to resist the urge to do something though. Johnny continued to flip open and shut the lighter, being the only other sound in the room than Dr. McCoy's voice. Hank noticed the obvious ajitation on Shawn's face, and stopped speaking to face him directly. "Shawn?" She asked. "Is there something wrong?" "Yeah." He answered back. "Johnny and his lighter. I can't think or take notes when he's flipping it every second." Johnny grunted and shut the lighter with a little more force than before. He didn't want to be in the class, he surely didn't care much at all about it, but he didn't want to get bad marks. He wasn't at that level of not caring just yet. "Doctor McCoy?" Johnny raised his hand and looked to the teacher. "I wanna take this outside. Shang here has a problem with me, and I'm not really good with philosophical debates." He was trying to hide it, or at the very least change it. When Johnny first came to the Mansion, he had a rather thick Australian accent. Ever since then, hes been trying to get rid of it for whatever reason. "It's [i]Shawn.[/i]" He spoke back, a slight edge of annoyance in his voice. "And That's a bad Idea. Mutations aside, I spend most of my time working and training, rather than wandering around the mansion grounds doing whatever." The Shang comment didn't leave Shawn's mind. These two were at each other's throats. Hank could see that, anyone could see that. Maybe Shawn let Johnny get too far underneath his skin to the point of irrationality. Hank let this train of though continue. Shawn and Johnny stay like this for the rest of the class, keeping everyone else from learning, and a fight eventually breaks out. They both get in trouble. Or, Hank controls the situation and allows them to have a very small and brief bout to alleviate some tension. Let them talk things out later, as right now, talking didn't seem to be a big option for Johnny. "Alright." Hank stood tall and walked to the center of the class room. "It would be good for us to be enveloped in the warmth of the sun. If any mutations are used while the whole class spends the rest of the period outside, The entire class will have to do two essays this week." He stopped to think. He didn't know why he didn't think of it before. "Heidi? Do you have any ideas as to how these two and solve their problems in a calm and peaceful manner?" [hr] Caldwell could faintly hear Chrys from his desk, and went to go and check things out. When he arrived, Calwell was surprised to see the mess of blood running down Chrys' face. He rushed to the boy's side, taking a seat and trying his best to help the boy with the tissues. "Let's see, let's see." He muttered to himself. First thing first they needed to plug the bleeding. While Chrys worked on that, Caldwell tried his biotic healing to attempt to speed up the scabbing process. Whatever blood vessal popped needed to be stopped and healed. He let out a nervous chuckle, smiling at Chrys as he used his mutation. "Okay, perhaps we wait a little for your body to fully adjust before trying your powers again. Seems like trying them to grow your mutation and bodily capacity at the same time isn't for the best." [hr] Charles let out a soft laugh, smiling at Rosemary as he turned his wheelchair around to face her. "It's quite alright Rosemary. We you on your way to class?" Charles taught a few classes here and there, normally smaller, weekly classes rather than daily. He had other things to attend to, but still wanted to be involved with the students at his school. "The second period had already begun, I hope everything is well." Beside him stood the biker woman, the one who had seen Logan and Rosemary before. She stood tall and proud, though refused to say a word to Rosemary. [hr] "I am Piotr." His accent was still heavy and rough. The boy cleared his throat and tried once more, looking at the two young women sitting by him. "Peter Rasputin." Perhaps Sally noticed how out of touch he was and decided to make a group with the two new kids? That was awfully kind of her. Sally still seemed surprised that Bonny didn't know about JFK. Normally she looked tired and dead, but the look of mild shock overtook all that. "You really don't know?" Especially in the mansion, where the headmaster was friends with a rather important person in that case. "JFK had a mutant brother, and someone assassinated President Kennedy. Magneto, you know, that mutant guy who controls all metal, tried stopping the killing bullet, but the G-Men tackled him and kept him from saving the President. They thought he was the one trying to kill the President, helping the sniper with his magic metal powers. Miss Moonstar has seen too many JFK projects to want to go back to a subject that will label Magneto as a villain even though he only messed up a couple times."