[center] [color=4BE2A3][h3]Naija[/h3][/color] [color=4BE2A3]Location[/color]: Outside the abandoned castle [color=4BE2A3]Interacting with[/color]: Gwendolyn[@Holy Soldier] [color=4BE2A3]mentions[/color]: Fox McCloud[@Etherean Fire], Hapu[@ToadRopes] [color=4BE2A3]Word Count[/color]: 576 [color=4BE2A3]Seed deployed[/color]: none [/center] Having successfully pulled the princess from Brigan’s grasp the two of them had a brief argument about the use of the cauldron before Brigan decided to bail on them. Apparently he did not appreciate the whole end of the world thing meant running away was kind of pointless, if the hero's failed here there would be nowhere left to run too. [color=4BE2A3]”What a jerk”[/color] Naija was then pulled skywards by Gwendolyn and the two of them watched from above as the heros were bombarded with fire, Fox’s reflecting device not entirely saving him from the oncoming rush of flames. It was fortunate he was not killed, but unfortunately they had no more healing items and as far as she could tell no way to get any more till they returned to the tetris castle with all the pozons being sucked up by odin. Though of course if they did kill odin then he would presumably pop into phozons that could be used to make plants to heal fox. [color=4BE2A3]”We can talk about how I know about you later, right now we gotta stop Odin”[/color] At this moment Quina, who had been absent from the proceedings up till this point and whom Naija was very relieved to see was alive, arrived on the scene along with a chain wielding warrior. They all worked with the shadowy knight and together brought the mighty odin crashing to the ground, leaving an opening for the rest to strike him with impunity. While she appreciated Hapu’s concern for her well being they had to act now, though the existence of a safe zone from the ravenous flames was definitely going to come in handy. Naija was without weapon, she needed something to hit him with and the desecrated forest held little that could harm odin except... Balor. The massive blue glowing sphere lay on the ground before its master, slack on the chain that bound it too him. With the jugonoaghts arms bound or distracted he would not be able to stop her ‘borrowing’ his hideous weapon. Even if he did that was one less arm trying to swat at those who had constrained him. She flew to the sapphire soul eater, a spiked orb about as big as she was and sung the bind song, the verse, the essence of life itself, wrapped around the orb of death and allowed her to carry it effortlessly. She would fly skyward, rising straight up till the chain was at its maximum length and for a moment Balor would hang above the demon king like the sword of damocles. [color=4BE2A3]”Look out below!”[/color] she would yell at the shadowknight currently on the kings back and to any others who had come in to strike a close ranged blow, warning them to get out of the way. Then Naija would let out her song once more, deliver a swift kick to the top of the ball to send it on it’s way and then let gravity do the rest. It would almost be like all of the demon king's victims getting a chance to strike back at their killer, their vengeful voices raised as one as Balor screamed through the air downwards towards it’s corrupted master. With the setup time this would require it was likely the others could get in a few attacks before the massive sphere smashed into Odin. Her blow struck she would continue to hover above the king and some way behind where he would be facing if he got up again, ready to try and strike him once more or to act as a rescuer that would swoop in and try and pull her allies out of the way of his retaliatory strikes using the high dexterity provided by her wings.