Emilie sat quietly in her office, her chair swiveling from side to side as she stared at the ceiling with her arms crossed in front of her. Her platinum hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail, and various strands of hair framed her face more or less the same way she styled it everyday. She was leaning her head against the back of the chair, her mind occupied with a decision that she had to make very soon regarding one of her patients, Lindy Smithson. However, her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when her co-worker knocked and peeked his head from behind the door. "Hey, do you have a second?" he asked with a tentative smile. "Sure, what's up?" Emilie sat up straight, readjusting herself on her black leather seat to address whatever concern Dr. Stark had. He nodded in appreciation and quickly went inside the room, locking the door to her office before making his over to the empty chair across her. "Well, it's about Ms. Smithson-" "Oh, I was just thinking about her," Emilie interrupted, then quickly apologized for cutting him off. "Right. Well, I was giving it some thought and I believe that we should go ahead with the procedure to abort. I know the odds are 50/50 in either direction, but why would we take the risk of putting another life in jeopardy for the possibility that the fetus might not cause any complications during birth?" Dr. Stark leaned closer to Emilie, his arms now resting on her paper-cluttered desk. "Think about it, Em, why would we take the chance with Lindy when her baby probably won't make it past a couple of weeks?" She knew he was right, yet Emilie couldn't help but empathize with Lindy. The girl had gone through so much, but in the end all she wanted was her baby. Emilie let out a sigh, her head resting on her hand. "You're right. As much as we want to personally help her, we have to remain objective here. The mission comes first, right?" "Always. Anyway, do you want me to contact Lindy to schedule the pre-op or do you want to do that yourself?" "It's okay, I got it." A few moments later Dr. Stark left Emilie's office and she was left alone to try to come up with a way to break the news to Lindy. The poor girl probably wouldn't be able to handle it, but then again, that was just one of the many joys of being a physician. Emilie figured she could just head down to one of the pubs later to clear her mind.