"Romero high school. Home of the Wildcats," Dallen stated. Where Dallen's daughter was, where Erin's father probably was. It was a destination, and it was all that Dallen was focused on at this point. He thought that it was foolish for the others to leave on their own, but luckily the undead in the area had dispersed. They all now knew these things could be killed and how to, and of the various things that distract them, but they were still fast and never tiring. "I'm heading that way," Dallen said. He lit up a cigarette and started walking. There were enormous skyscrapers surrounding them, shadowing the entire city within a few miles. The middle school was a few blocks left off of mainstreet, which was entirely possible to reach and get back to the court house building in 24 hours. So long as the dead was in hiding, they might even be able to find a few more survivors, if there were any. It wasn't long before they heard a scream. Just a block away, they met Ava once again. She locked herself in a random Ford Taurus while a walker scratched at the window from the outside. With a sigh, Dallen approached and killed the thing, using his knife and sticking it through the back of its' head. "That didn't take long," he said as he freed her from her own cell. "Guys..." Erin calmly said, her voice faint. "Sorry, I should've been more careful," she said, taking a quick second to recollect herself. "It just, came at me so fast." "We should stay together this time," Dallen said. "Help me get my daughter back, and I will help you find whoever you need to find." "...guys!" Before Ava could nod her head in agreement, Erin spotted a few of the undead turning the corner. Behind them, a horde. They were roaming through the city at random, some of their faces still fresh while others were covered in blood and gore. As the dead turned the corner, they spotted the group. One of them houled a blood curdling scream deep through the air and city, the message clear: Food. "Run!" Dallen yelled. He led the way, taking the group through an alleyway and out the other side. They ran through some markets, then through a building, until they came out in town square. Dallen stopped dead in his tracks as he realized he had just led them all to their demise. The undead were on both sides of them, and soon enough were at the front and back. There was a slight chance for an escape route, however Dallen thought about it too long and the chance was gone. The horde moved in, some running at them, others hobbling or crawling as fast as they could. Dallen looked at Elizabeth with defeat in his eyes, realizing that this was the end. They were foolish to think they could make it out here, even for just 24 hours. There was no way his daughter had survived this, or anyone for that matter. They were all dead, or close to it. The dead and the dying. "Look!" Erin said, pointing at the sewer entrance under the curb. It was small, but wide enough for them to slip through one by one. Wasting no time, Dallen ran up to it and stood guard. "Go!" he yelled. Ava joined him and the pair started firing at the oncoming horde. Erin slipped through the sewer entrance with ease, though her landing on the other side wasn't perfect. She tripped and landed facefirst, scratching up her forearms and a bit of her chin. She ignored her own pain as she turned to help Elizabeth get down the sewer as well. "Ava, your turn!" Dallen said, he ran out of ammo and tossed the gun. Using his knife, he killed another walker and pushed it aside. Ava was grabbed, she wrestled with the walker a bit, before shoving it off. Another was quickly on her, but before she was bit she still managed to free herself. Dallen had a choice. Risk his life for Ava, or protect it by going to the sewers. There was only a moment's notice before they were completely surrounded on all sides, town square belonged to the dead. He leapt out of the way of an attack, almost fully sliding into the sewer grain. He pushed with everything he had until he was completely through, falling to the other side with the others. "Elizabeth-" Ava said as she rushed to the sewer immediately after Dallen. She too made it, reaching her hands through for help as she tried desperately to force her way in. The dead were already on her from the other side, though, as they tore their fingers and teeth into her back. Her body covered the entire sewer entrance, blocking the dead from entering. Erin watched in utter horror as the poor woman was screaming for her life right in front of them. Blood started pouring out of her mouth as her innerds were devoured. The walkers huddled around her corpse continuously ate and picked at her flesh, ripping it entirely from her back revealing her spine and organs. It was a painful and slow death, one that put Dallen almost into shock. It took him a few moments before he could regain control of himself again, and then he covered Erin's eyes. "Keep moving," he told them. "Just keep moving." Anyone who knew the area above like he did, knew which direction to take even underground. The pipes all lined parallel with the streets. He still led them to the high school, the three of them quiet as they moved on