[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ETCUzUf.png[/img][/center] Cait raised an eyebrow at the other woman. It had been a bit late the previous night for Aislinn to answer all of Charlotte's questions, and besides it was more fun for the older native to watch her discover it on her own. They'd probably be more effective that way. The native picked up few small rocks off the ground, moving to about ten feet away from the other woman. [color=orangered]"... I don't have any myself. But I can always help with your 'scientific' testing?"[/color] The woman then threw one of the rocks towards Charlotte's chest in the hope that the reaction tattoo would activate on it's own. Either way, another rock headed towards pelting Charlotte was already following the first. [color=orangered]"Catch them! Think fast!"[/color] Perhaps a little bit of a danger response in the other woman would stop her from thinking about how the tattoos work so hard?