[center][h2] [color=a36209]Walgrave[/color] [/h2][/center] [hr] Walgrave shook his head in irritation at the sharp howling of his wolves. His flames, herto being projected in sharp probing bursts, fell short and stopped. The old magus cast a hateful glare at the offending pack leader, and then glanced over at his Servant who was still holding down the front. It apeared now that the wolves, driven by some terrible instinct were massing to break the center of their casting formation while keeping the advanced Servants occupied. Walgrave hesitated for a moment, hand twitching as he contemplated unleashing his most devistating incantations upon the beasts. This oncoming V formation would undoubtedly be targeted by the spells of the Casters as it came on. Instead, Walgrave looked to the advanced party, specifically to Nevsky who was being hounded by one of the beasts. If he could free up him, the Rider would be able to hit the flank of the formation with a cavalry charge. Walgrave closed his eyes, focusing on the beast that was trying to devour Riders horse, and began the incantation for unleashing his Niter Fulminate Blast. His chant rose to a hoarse shout, and with a sound like gunshot, he rained down burning steel and flame on the wolf who was trying to unhorse his Servant. [hr] [h2][center][color=fff200]Sinfjotli[/color][/center][/h2] [hr] Snarling in frustration at its sudden shift to defensive action, Sinfjotli pressed his attack, running forward and thrusting his spear at the beast with ferocious rapidity. With his snakelike reflexes he focused on bringing his target to the earth with a fatal blow. He well knew the nature of wolves, and even at this moment was sure that the rest were doing something else while this one kept him occupied, but if he turned his back to rush to the larger groups aid his would simply expose his back to the formidable monster. Relying on his great natural ability he threw his all into overwhelming the wolf's agility with his own. [hr] [@PKMNB0Y] [@Flamelord]