[center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/thekidlantern/YJlogo1_zps6m4ojy0d.png[/img][/center] [h3][i][b]The Justice League in the year 2020 began accepting new recruits into their ranks. Batman's former sidekick Nightwing, as well as retired League member Zatara's daughter were now members of the League albeit with a special mission. To take young heroes and metahumans and train them to one day become members of the League while keeping them on the right path. Many of the kids are outcasts. Some are even alien. Each sponsored by a member of the Justice League. What will come of this Young Justice program? And is Midway City (formerly Hawkman's home) really in need of an entire team of superhumans? [/b][/i][/h3] Join Nightwing and Zatanna, along with ten recruits, on an adventure that will pit us against the remains of Hawkman's rogues gallery that will unleash [b][url=https://static3.comicvine.com/uploads/original/9/99801/3134108-sabbac.png]Hell on Earth.[/url][/b] The only cannon younger characters are the two mentors so anything is possible. You wanna recreate Aqualad and rename him Aquaboy? Have at it. Want a Leaguer to choose an original character to be in the group? That's what I'm hoping! Characters based on existing material as well as complete originals welcomed. At this point though no sidekicks have been around. Superboy never existed, there's no Kid Flash, etc. Your characters will have to have something in common with the Justice League Sponsor though, be it similar personality, similar MO, operate in the same city, etc. [center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v221/thekidlantern/YJmentors_zpsnqhntwnf.png[/img] [i][b]About the Mentors:[/b][/i][/center] [i][b]Nightwing[/b][/i] - He's been training with Batman now for the better part of five years. If everyone in the League is between 27-35 years old, Grayson would just be entering his 20's. He took the alias Nightwing less than a year ago and took Batman's spot in the League after tagging along for a handful of JL missions as Robin. [i][b]Zatanna[/b][/i] - Similar to the animated series, Zatarra was a member of the JL before his daughter. Like Nightwing, she took her father's place on the League roster after he officially retired from superheroics. Z is also just now entering her 20's, but has already made a name for herself fighting back the demons from the Chaos Dimension as well as joining Constantine for a few supernatural adventures. She recently had a handful of shows in Vegas that set her up for the next few years as far as her bank accounts were concerned. My character will be based in Metropolis and sponsored by Superman. Below is a list of JL 2020 members and as characters are accepted they'll be listed next to their sponsors taking that particular sponsor off the table. Nightwing and Zatanna will also get to sponsor a couple young heroes. [u][i][b]JL 2020:[/b][/i][/u] [s]Superman[/s] --- ANAD Steel [s]Wonder Woman[/s] --- Wonder Girl Booster Gold --- [s]Flash[/s] --- Accelerate [s]Vixen[/s] --- Stinger Aquaman --- [s]Captain Atom[/s] --- Bombshell [s]Black Lightning[/s] --- Sun Fist Red Tornado [F] --- [s]Nightwing[/s] --- Gargoyle Zatanna --- If you've read this far know that the tone of this RP will be similar to that of the popular animated series that's about to get a new 3rd season. I'm gonna shoot for something more PG-13 with strong language out the window, it just doesn't suit the theme well. I'm gonna insist on High Casual standards, if you can't get a couple paragraphs and a little dialogue in each post then just move along. A post a week in the IC is all I'm gonna ask of players, and to keep up with random game chatter and superhero discussion in the OOC once in awhile to let us know you're still alive and aware the game's moving forward. Here's the Character Sheet requirements if anybody wants to see this happen. Name - Alias - Age - [16-22 years only] Sponsor - Personality - [three words best describing your character] Experience - [anywhere from a few weeks up to two years] Powers - Weaknesses - Appearance - [description or pic, I'll make a few micros I'm sure...] BRIEF Bio - Notes - [this can be how you met your mentor, just don't get too long winded] [b][i][u]SAMPLE POST - (2 paragraph minimum w/dialogue)[/u][/i][/b] --- added 4/5/17 So who wants to kick some supervillain ass and try to become members of the Justice League proper? ~KL~