[s]My game is a l****e s*****r[/s] so I'll join :) (also you forgot "wrath", if youre going for the 7 deadly sins) Name : D'ren Age : 26 Demon or angel that blessed you: Lust (Samy'aza, if I may name her) Power: Agnosticism: cannot be directly affected by anything spiritual. IE: conjured fireball from a winged angel, NO. A falling tree because that invisible angel weakened the roots over several days, YES. Personality : D'ren (full name Daren Connor McDonnell) is anti-social and fancies himself a rebel; though he hates weakness and tries not to show his faults, he is very prone to anger, seduction, and his own arrogance. He is generally a sociopath who wants to control as many people as possible; he manipulates, seduces, and intimidates to get his way. History : When he was 16, his Irish parents told him their theory about the multiverse, and how there were many versions of him, some that were not prone to his adolescent outbursts, and how they believed that the American and UK governments had used Daren's DNA to create clones in their wars. The next day, they became collateral damage in an explosion planned by the government to take out an IRA cell. Daren changed his name to D'ren to honor his deceased brother, who had a speech impediment, and tried to join the IRA to fight the governments responsible, not to avenge his parents, but to find out more about their multiverse theory. Eventually he moved up the ranks of the IRA and became infamous, earning the nickname The Infamous, and notching 2,950 kills in his belt. Only half of them were enemy personnel; the other half were women and children. [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/the-otherworlds-stories/images/f/f7/1c59ca9c38a889edc1f11354392ba3d8.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170317162240[/img] My general plan for D'ren is to have Samy manipulate him (as he manipulates others) into finding the artifact or part of it. Eventually I think he will figure it out and try to manipulate Samy for his own gain, but once he fully believes that angels and demons exist, his ability will either disappear altogether or just change into something else. My main version of The Infamous has a lot of abilities, but this was his first one, which is how he got to where he is in my story ;)