[@6slyboy6] Orbital bombardment is most welcome against those xeno heretics - who caused this. Collapse the tunnels beneath them. As for incompetence - imagine it like this. Your army and police force, just got overrun by man-eating bugs and about 60% of your city was just overrun. Citadel-One is like...hmm the downtown district. Most richest sector yet also the original site of the colonization - which is why it has only one entrance to it. (It's surrounded by very sturdy metal walls - that go under the city aswell, to prevent any burrowing Vespen to get through - nasty critters during the initial arrival) As for the Order - imagine that they are like a ceremonial guard. Most people see them only hang-around their 'Temple' and occasionally keep the hungry Vespen away from the mines. =P Now imagine the Administrator having to write to the EoM bureaucracy - that the planet, lost its police force, its army forces were overrun and xeno' heretics managed to disable the Repulsor Fields - and the only reason the planet didn't fall was because the ceremonial guard held the man-eating beasts at bay. (Although, none will likely know - that the Order has daily training regimes, are shuffled around the mines to have them gain experience, go on occasional hunting trips into Vespen-filled jungles and engage in full-contact dueling with live weapons) (In reality, the Order IS the most qualified to fight the Vespen. The EoM has likely forgotten in three centuries - since they haven't seen the Order to anything that looks militaristic and forgot the ranged weapons aren't much used against armored beasts)