Divo trudged through the sand, towards the underside of the boardwalk. He could see the rest of the Salt Bay Turbos there, chilling as usual. Lights from various lit cigarettes mixed with a plethora of black leather jackets and blue jeans. An unmistakeable yet familiar and comforting sight for Divo. Sadly though, he had little to be comforted by, for they were uncertain times. For Divo especially. He had more than his fair share of worries to contend with. The kind of worries that weighed heavily on ones heart. Though despite all that, such a sight never failed to inspire some cheer. He walked amongst the old, familiar crew. Exchanging greetings, secret handshakes, and compliments as he went. Surprisingly, he saw neither Switch nor Rolo there. Their absences, of course, wasn't unheard of. But still, if there ever was a time when the gang needed to be together, it was then. Divo saw Chet, standing alone, several feet away from the rest of the crew. His back was turned to everyone else as he leaned on a wooden pillar. Chet stared out at the churning sea. His unreadable face betrayed the pensive nature of his thoughts. [color=turquoise]"Hey boss."[/color] Divo greeted. Chet unfolded his crossed arms then turned to face Divo. He removed the cigarette from his mouth with his left hand and held it at his side. Its bright burn indicated a recent puff. [color=lime]"Please Divo, just call me Chet. We're best buds ya know."[/color] he replied. [color=turquoise]"Sure thing, Chet. And thank you."[/color] Divo replied. [color=lime]"That's quite alright good buddy."[/color] said Chet. They stood there for a moment, sharing a silence. For most other people it would've been an awkward silence. [color=lime]"Have you ever noticed that the sea churns more on a cloudy day?"[/color] Chet asked. [color=turquoise]"Nah man, I haven't."[/color] Divo replied. [color=lime]"Well it does."[/color] Chet asserted. [color=lime]"Much like life huh."[/color] Chet commented. [color=turquoise]"Yeah, I guess."[/color] Divo replied. He found it rather troubling when Chet waxed philosophical like that. There was something going on with the Salt Bay Turbos, beyond the drama between Rolo and everyone else. Far beyond Corinne and her effect on Rolo. And it seemed Chet knew it all too well. Perhaps, Divo thought, Chet was keeping something from the rest of the Turbos. [color=turquoise]"I'm kinda worried about this thing between Rolo and Corinne. We can't have our enforcer compromised, not even for a second."[/color] Divo confessed. [color=lime]"Would you relax Divo. I've met the little pocket rocket. She's actually pretty cool."[/color] placated Chet. [color=turquoise]"But Chet, don't you remember what happened last time!?"[/color] Divo asked. [color=lime]"Worry not your little peanut head. It's all good. Just chill ok."[/color] reassured Chet. [color=turquoise]"Yeah, I'll be cool. Just remember I got your back dude, no matter."[/color] said Divo. [color=lime]"Whoh, a little overdramatic there don't ya think!? But yeah dude, I appreciate it."[/color] replied Chet. They exchanged the secret Salt Bay Turbo handshake in earnest. Though Divo was reassured, Chets mind was far from easy.