Austin is[i] superduper [/i]bad at being social, but if any of you are interested in having a friendship with him, please PM me. My first cursory thoughts are: [@Sodomite] I feel like our boys could potentially be nerd bros, and they have likely designed tech together - Austin on the hardware side and Solomon on the software side. [@Fabricant451] Austin is endlessly fascinated with the girl whose laser powers are basically what he has been researching for years, he's [s]probably[/s]definitely awkward about this fascination though. And lastly, [@Viciousmarrow] we've discussed a little already, but I imagine these two are on relatively close terms, as they spend a lot of time in the same space (the lab), but he is definitely more than a little spooked by both her occult style and general girl-shapedness. He also has a lot of respect (see also: intimidation) for her being a bonafide genius. These are just what I am remembering off the top of my head, please PM me if you want to go into more detail, or if I didn't include you in my @ pings and you are interested in being friends with my lil dweeb. <3 ~ GM Silent