Sedriso tilted his head and crossed his arms. "Of [i]course[/i] you only need me to watch your back. That's what I do. Don't you worry, lass. We'll [i]both[/i] come out alive. I guarantee it, as long as you don't do something stupid." He said in a casual tone. "So you're after the Ferra Stone. That's all very well and good...Are you traveling with anyone else on this quest of yours? Rather, I'd expect not many people would be happy that you'd aim to destroy the thing. Mostly, I'm curious if I should be keeping a wary eye on any of your traveling companions, [i]if[/i] you know what I mean." Under his helm, one eyebrow was raised. He made a habit of asking about any other companions his current patron was bringing, just to be prepared. He didn't like meeting up with his patron and discovering nine other party members he hadn't heard about previously. It wasn't exactly 'proper etiquette'. Some mercenaries took it as a personal insult if a patron hires them and then also chooses to hire others. Sedriso personally didn't mind too much, he simply preferred to know beforehand what to expect on the journey.