[quote=@shylarah] [@Stern Algorithm] I honestly do not have a good way to bring Tessa into this. Open to suggestions. [@Gowi] 3/4ths of post done, waiting on instructions for how far to move things adn advice for how to bring in Stern since Elian won't voluntarily ask Tessa. MAy just post in the next day or three if none is given. Hope thinigs are going well with you. <3 [/quote] I was hoping Ochre ([@Xiro Zean]'s character, and the only character Tessa knows besides Landon [@Tergonaut]) would lazily ride into town and somehow organically draw Tessa into pseudo-reluctantly joining the party, but Ochre's got a slow horse. Or that someone would come buy some enchantments, Tessa would run out of material, put the order on hold until she gets some, and end up joining the party, using them as escorts for her material run. If nothing else, after a fruitful day of business, Tessa has completely run out of a certain material, and runs into the dungeon alone to gather materials. Things don't go well and she may require saving by the party. She joins them, and becomes a thorn in their side. [@Gowi] Take this as my sign of activity.