[@mattmanganon][@Burning Kitty][@Duthguy][@SparkyCutie] [Center][h1][color=dodgerblue]Freedom's Shield[/color][/h1] [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/060/c/9/mari_as_captain_america_by_orionpax09-d4q79kk.jpg]Emily[/url][/Center][hr][hr] [center][h3]Lost Between Worlds Emily is Rescued[/h3][/center][hr][hr] Emily had been spinning in limbo long enough to reach an equilibrium with her situation when she suddenly found herself becoming aware of a rapid change to her surroundings as her perception of up and down suddenly asserted itself telling her that she was falling in an ascending 20 degree ballistic arc and would reach apogee in .34 seconds at a height estimated 14 meter to the nap of the earth. There were people to her right and the biggest already setting off her FOF which added even more critical need she land and use as much of her kinetic energy as she could to give her a defensive separation that allowed her time to access her situation before acting. So it was after weighing her options the patriotically clad blonde landed and tucked into a roll that she cut by half in the interest of throwing off any chance of a ranged attack coming before she could lift her shield into position. She didn’t draw her side arm once she’d Identified Cain Marko and someone who resembled Wolverine of the X-Men but was too differently clad to be the one she’d been briefed on. Next was a blonde with green eyes whom didn’t even register as a known and the Shocker who seemed relaxed as were Cain and Wolverine. This lead Emily to deduce that this was one of those absurde times in the universe so she too relaxed even flipping her shield over her shoulders to mount to her back. [color=dodgerblue]Well either things just got interesting or my mind is compensating in a complicated hallucination; I chose the former over the latter[/color] said Emily with the hint of an amused giggle