...not with warm joy but an unexplained longing for something more. Greetings everyone (: Pardon me for the sad tone kind of introduction, but this was what came to mind as I return to the Guild after disappearing for...was it 2, 3 years ago? A long time has passed since the time of great activity in the [s]spam section and[/s] casual forum, and now I am back feeling as aimless as I once was. Sounds like a cycle of sorts. Hmm. Anyway, I am not sure if I will be as active as I expect of myself; I'm after all a random on-off person. Even so, I am not the type to abandon a roleplay without courtesy so rest assured. It is just that I grow bored (quite) easily. My flaw, my weakness. Reason of return: Kind of inspired-to-create-write-yet-not-so after reading a book called Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones. I am a little sad and disappointed to know that the main characters had to be apart after all even though they had something to stay together for: Love. Yes, I'm a hopeless romantic, rawr, be afraid, be very afraid. tl;dr: See y'all around somewhere in the Guild, and have a good day wherever you are (: