"I'm on it!" Vashi had already snatched the portal rune from Sharon, as she began conjuring her spell. "Anun i'thilien, arun o Til'Phelana o vani!" After a few seconds, a portal suddenly emerged in the middle of the shop; knocking books and shelves over as it swirled into existance from thin air, revealing a shimmering picture of the Draenei capital of Exodar, shining with pink and yellow light from the obscene amount of crystals that the Draenei liked to decorate their cities with! "Look, Mei, I,-" But before Vashi could continue, the aura around the portal had already grabbed ahold of Mei, snatching the Draenei up and throwing her like a sling right through the portal with violent force! Vashi merely gasped, before throwing herself after Mei into the portal! "Sweetie, are you okay?! I didn't mean to... !" * As the giant, red demoness now towered high above them; feel green eyes shining with intensity and desire as it watched them around Silje, some of the Sentinels started to huddle slightly closer behind Serphia, with Sentinel Aleena stepping up right next to Serphia and stepping up on her toes to whisper into the Captain's long, purple ear. "So mistress, are you sure this plan is going to work?" Aleena whispered quietly, worried eyes shifting between the massive demon looming over them, her wide, leathery wings taking up almost their entire side view; and then over to Silje sitting on top of the black nightsaber Ripfang. "Oh, absolutely!" Serphia exclaimed, pumping a clenched fist with a triumphant grin on her face. "I have instructed my fluffy-wuffly Ripfang mount to take the human directly to the mountains north of Stormwind, taking the demon on the fastest route out of the city and into the vulnerable ground in the mountains! This big-assed demon will be out of the city before we even know it!" "Are you, a kitty? I... I uhm, like kittens!" All the while, Silje tried to make conversation with the large nightsaber she was sitting on. She knew she was sitting on a cat of some sort. And although she had always been very fond of cats, this cat was abnormally big, black of fur and long, sharp yellow teeth that gleamed even in bright daylight. Ripfang, on the other hand, was not as interested in interacting with its missed-meal currently situated on its back. Instead, the black Nightsaber simply looked around in the street whilst waiting for his mistress's signal. That was, until a tiny, nosy and furry object suddenly caught Ripfang's attention... "Rowll?" Ripfang's deep, yellow predatory eyes would suddenly shift a little bit to the right as it spotted the furry outline of a small rat currently skittering across the cobblestone. The rat stopped in its tracks, standing up on its hind legs as it sniffed the air around it; until its beady little eyes suddenly noticed the relatively massive, towering black figure of Ripfang as the mouse noticed the nightsaber! And then the massive war feline and tiny rodent locked eyes... "However, foul-demon! You can only have your precious monkey if you can actually,-" "Pst, mistresss!" "Not now, Aleena! I'm posturing!" "But mistress, it's important." "What?!" "Your Ripfang, Mistress, he just took off!" It was as that moment that all the sentinels turned around to look together with Serphia, as they could barely see the outline of a fast moving feline and an utterly terrified human girl screaming at the top of her lungs tied to its back as the two barreled through the smoke, debris and fire of the Magic District. An eerie moment of quiet suddenly passed across all the gathered Night Elves; their bait just having gone off on a zig-zagging trip towards the center of the city, before the familiar, demonic voice of Malizia could be heard booming from behind! "Nooo! My precious little Silje! Come back, my love!" *THOMP* *THOMP* The Sentinels threw themselves in a mad dash to get out of the way of the now giant, stampeding demoness as Malizia charged forward in a mad pursuit to catch up with the fast Nightsaber carrying her love, as the cat in question was chasing a very determined rodent! Serphia barely had time to look back, before a giant hoof came out of nowhere; stomping down on her to the horror of the surrounding sentinels, before moving on and leaving Serphia prone behind, lying back down against the ground as the Captain looked up in sheer disbelief. "Mistress!! Ripfang is not heading towards the mountain! He's going.... I don't know where he's going!" Sentinel Aleena shouted as she came up to Serphia from the side, with Serphia merely staring up at the burning sky above. "By the goddess I swear I will kill that cat... with a tuna as weapon no less!" Serphia muttered, eyes affixed to the sky as the disheveled Captain seemed to refuse to move!