Dallen clenched his fist when he noticed Elizabeth took Erin down into the sewers again. What the hell was wrong with her? He didn't care what happened to her, but the little girl. He knew now that he should have never let her leave the court house. There was no way they would survive. The bus sped around a few corners, quickly making its way back through the barren streets and toward the court house. One of the students quickly felt ill, and he moved toward the front of the bus. He pulled up his sleeve to confirm the bite wound he had, a chunk of flesh missing from his skin. Tears swelled his eyes, but the others were too preoccupied to notice. "Daddy, why did she leave us?" Kelsey spoke about Elizabeth. [color=steelblue] "Everyone has their own choices to make," [/color] was all he replied. "OH MY GOD!! HE'S INFECTED!!" the cheerleader screamed about the boy sitting next to her. It didn't take him long to turn, as he pounced on the blonde girl and chomped down on her face, peeling her cheek off with a single hard bite. Panic quickly rose in the bus, as Daryal opened up fire on the infected. He fired through the kids body, a stray bullet crashing into the back of the bus driver's head and killing him instantly. The bus flipped, just a block away from their destination. The impact dazed Dallen, as he slowly came back to his senses. A ringing sensation boiled in his mind as he tried to find his daughter. Ethan opened up the back of the bus, as the front was soon becoming a massacre. The kids turned so fast, one after the other. Everyone piled up, trying to escape. Kelsey was unconscious, so Dallen lifted her up and carried her out, following Ethan and Daryal to the entrance to the court building. "Let us in, come on let us in!!" Daryal screamed, running out of ammo. Just before the dead were on them, the gates opened up and let them in, closing again behind them. They entered through the elevator, back up to the 32nd floor where the others were. Those from the security room were also there, as Riley and Lucy embraced Dallen. He shoved them off, laying his daughter on a couch and trying to wake her up. "You found her..." Lucy said, startled. "Glad you made it back man, but we have a new problem," Riley informed. "No rest for the wicked." Kelsey opened her eyes. She was banged up, but okay. After getting her some water, Dallen went back to see what was going on. Everyone around him looked packed and ready to go, as if they were leaving. [color=steelblue] "It hasn't been 24 hours yet, what's going on?" [/color] he asked. Judge Williams came forward. "You're lucky you showed when you did, we would not have been here at the 24 hour mark," she said. "Steven found a radio broadcast from the military, Steven..." "The military has been fighting this the whole time," Steven spoke up. "The cities that are overrun, like Mecha city, are to be bombed sometime tonight. I over heard the transmission, then it was all static again." "We've got trucks ready to go, we leave in the hour," Briggs told them. "Everyone." "Where are we going, Daddy?" Kelsey asked. [color=steelblue] "Wherever we have to..." [/color]