[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ETCUzUf.png[/img][/center] Cait puffed her cheeks out as Charlotte got irritated, then let out a small laugh. [color=orangered]"Crazy? I speak to animals on a daily basis, so according to you probably."[/color] Another rock was tossed at the black haired woman. [color=orangered]"Just hoping a little trial by fire would help you out! You can do it Charlotte!"[/color] Really, the woman had little notion of how the tattoos worked or why most twelve year olds were more proficient with them than the black haired woman was, but the native seemed to appreciate the comedy it caused whether or not the woman was successful in catching them. Aislinn was unfortuantly still sleeping after all the work the previous night, so it seemed like for a short time Charlotte would have to tolerate Cait's more impromtu methods.