[center][h1][color=a36209][i][b]My hide, Impenetrable. My Loyalty, Unbreakable. My Strength Unyielding. My love, Unending. All for you my queen.[/b][/i][/color][/h1][/center] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-D54m2sMoNyA/VP5yzdu6FnI/AAAAAAAADx0/BoCCXmJAFVc/s1600/(pic%2B-%2BStory)%2BJupiter%2BAscending%2BDemon.JPG[/img] [h3][color=a36209]Name:[/color][/h3] Vakim Malukavi (Vi For short) [h3][color=a36209]Age:[/color][/h3] 93 [h3][color=a36209]Blood%:[/color][/h3] 100% Oro [h3][color=a36209]Gender:[/color][/h3] Male [h3][color=a36209]Sex Preference:[/color][/h3] Hetero [h3][color=a36209]Height:[/color][/h3] 8'5" [h3][color=a36209]Weight:[/color][/h3] 1200lbs (Fair? or heavier?) [h3][color=a36209]Physical appearance:[/color][/h3] Picture. [h3][color=a36209]Apparel:[/color][/h3] Only in picture, plus studded leather everywhere his skin in if he is preparing for a fight. [h3][color=a36209]Personality:[/color][/h3] Stoic creature, never has much to say. Always serious, or seems that way at least. He has a HUGE soft spot for the queen, she can make him do anything, he wont waste a second getting her requests fulfilled. He climbed her ranks to get as close to her as he could get. He is Currently one of her highest Elites. [h3][color=a36209]Faction:[/color][/h3] His only service is to his Queen [h3][color=a36209]Pet:[/color][/h3] [center][hider=Colossus][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/01/b1/45/01b145b51f0cb4d895f5539f10260d29.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [h3][color=a36209]Exp:[/color][/h3] Born and raised in the Gaia Armies. [h3][color=a36209]Spells:[/color][/h3] Conjure [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/boombeach/images/b/b2/Stone_elemental.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140330013557]Earth Elemental[/url], Tame Animal. [h3][color=a36209]Abilities/Powers:[/color][/h3] He can create huge windstorms with his wings, the forces that result are usually too much for one to stand against or even keep themselves upright. His jaws can crush modern day steel easily. He is exceptional at hand to hand combat despite his heavy limbs. [h3][color=a36209]Weapons:[/color][/h3] He carries an Onyx Scimitar that was forged for him by his 'Pet' Colossus. [h3][color=a36209]History:[/color][/h3] Vakim was born of two generals in the Gaia Forces. He was raised with his parents servants in the same castle as the princess (Now Queen) who was his childhood best friend until he was old enough to join the ranks of Gaia militia then his parents tore him from the princess and forced him to sign up. Putting it in his own head that the only way he could be close to his long lost love ever again would be to earn rank to sit beside her as her Royal guard, He worked tirelessly for it. Climbing the ranks faster than anyone else through skill and determination, He eventually was Knighted High Elite of Gaia and is now in the Queen's Guard. [center][hider=Trivia]Do you think he could have had any affairs with the Queen?[/hider][/center]