[@The Dow Dragon] Given this question I'd have to parrot a bit of what [@Iuniper] mentioned. I've shot bows as well (Don't remember the poundage) and while it's tiring it isn't a feat reserved for Olympians. To clarify, the chin-up metaphor should've been more closely compared to a feat of pulling yourself up whilst dangling off a cliff. The point is that Alaron is weak and would likely get beaten up if he tried to fight most people. With regards to use of a bow and Alaron's accuracy it's basically what it says on the tin, a decent shot. While true even becoming decent requires hours of practice, hours seem insignificant when stretched over the course of years. Nothing rigorous of course, a few shots here or there once ever month or two I feel is enough to become competent at it. To speak on strength taking a few shots with a simple bow isn't too much to ask from even a weak person. I'd argue strength becomes a factor when holding a shot for extended periods of time, sustaining numerous shots in a battle situation, or pulling the draw on a massive warbow.