[@Doc Doctor] Ombard wasn’t at full power due to not having a high level of adrenaline and anticipation for the fight at the moment. However, 10% of his base level of peak human was still enough to provide his enemy a decent boost. He could feel himself weakened, a fact that he had great distaste for. Hurt and maim him yes, but emasculate him? Never! He knew that his opponent was tougher than he looked so he managed to get his blood boiling and power up, easily enough to replace what had been lost and then some as he let out a battle cry. Meanwhile, Evvie had no time to dodge this new surprise attack, causing it to hit her square in the chest. She let out a loud yelp of pain and shock from how badly this attack hurt as it seemed to course directly through her nervous system, breaking her concentration. However, she was still flying through the air at him like a living projectile and bringing her staff down upon him, so that attack would not cease even if the bolt of wicked energy had killed her. On the other hand, it caused her arms to quiver around so it was possible that her staff could trail off course to smash him on either shoulder just as likely as his head, or perhaps he could dodge her with enough luck. Whatever the case, as her feet hit the ground she would crumple to her knees and let out a grimace, forcing herself to try to regain her concentration. She had experienced worse pain than this and she would certainly not allow herself to be defeated by pain of this meager level. Unfortunately this brief distraction would allow her opponent time to retreat a bit rather than wreck him as she otherwise could have. Ombard was still letting out a battle cry as he did his best to rush around Evvie and catch his opponent before he got too far. If he wasn’t peak human speeds than Ombard was surely catch him in due haste, slashing his axe from right to left across his retreating back should he not turn to face him.