[quote=@Za Warudo] Day 748 Still no signs of starting, but I hold on to hope. [/quote] Indeed, and I know. I'll be completely honest here - between work and my own mind, I am having a hard time trying to come up with a beginning post for this which, as GM, really puts a brake on the entire thing. I have written up several drafts and then deleted them again, as I just can't decide where I will take it once it gets going. In many of my RPs 'viewer participation' seems to get very limited (although I'm not really sure why) and it then ends up falling to me as the GM to pretty much manhandle it back onto a course of action; this turns out, as one may expect, to be very labour intensive. Combined with my line of work (fast food :(), the hours, and the fact its the Easter holidays...well...it all gets bit much. You may be thinking "but JB, I've seen you post in other RP without any trouble, so what the Hell gives?!" And this would simply be because those RPs are part of an established setting/fandom where everything is already laid out for me - as opposed to one that isn't. Yes, this can be seen as a list of excuses (which in a way it is), but I'd prefer to to be seen more as an [i]update[/i] and to say that I've no actually abandoned this RP but am certainly having a bit of a blip at the moment. [@Za Warudo][@Mach2][@Big Dread][@Dogematix] If you [b]do[/b] have any ideas for a line of narrative to follow, anything interesting or a direction, then please feel free to PM me with them. I'm open to the participation of all, and an intro post is incoming. If the worst comes to the worst, I'll sit my arse down and hammer one out by next week (at the latest). Once again, apologies for the lack of going anywhere, and for this long post.