[hider=Sadiana Izhemea] [center][color=crimson][h2]Sadiana “Sadi” Izhemea[/h2][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nvHIj.png[/img][/center] [color=crimson][b][center]-Basic Data-[/center][/b][/color] [color=crimson][b]Homeworld:[/b][/color] Somewhere in unknown space [color=crimson][b]Age:[/b][/color] 17 Standard Years [color=crimson][b][center]-Physical Information-[/center][/b][/color] [color=crimson][b]Species:[/b][/color] Sith Pureblood [color=crimson][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=crimson][b]Physical Features:[/b][/color] The most noticeable trait right off the bat of her species is her predominatly red skin and the small ridges on her body. She has amber colored eyes and some jewelry on the left side of her face. She tends to keep her marron hair at about shoulder’s length, another noticeable feature on her face is a scar going across her right eye. Her height is around 179 cm (5’9”). Her attire is mostly made up of all black, she wears a black chocker, shirt, sash, trousers and boots, the only thing that has any sort of color to it is her shirt underneath the other garments which is crimson colored. [color=crimson][b]Cybernetics & Injuries:[/b][/color] The only real injury she has is the scar going over her right eye, she received it when she had been training on her homeworld in the unknown space regions. [color=crimson][b][center]-Jedi Temple Records-[/center][/b][/color] [color=crimson][b]Role in the Jedi Order:[/b][/color] Padawan [color=crimson][b]Jedi Master:[/b][/color] Alizeri Corfair [color=crimson][b]Skills & Abilities:[/b][/color] Though she has tried to learn other force powers, ones that mostly focus on the light side of the force rather than the dark side, the three she’s most prominent with are Force Choke, Static Barrier and Telekinesis. Her static barrier harnesses the dark side of the force and can provide a small repreive from damage for about fifteen seconds. With skills not relating to the force, she’s a decent demolitionist and can arm and disarm most explosives. [color=crimson][b]Combat Style:[/b][/color] When she was in the unknown space regions, her species taught her lightsaber combat, but what they had her focus on was [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Form_VII/Legends]Form VII[/url], Juyo/Vaapad. But since she left her homeworld before her training with it was complete, she still doesn’t have a mastery with it and should she face someone in combat, there’s a fifty-fifty chance that she could easily be disarmed. She also knows [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Form_III/Legends]Form III[/url], Soresu, it suggested to her by her master, she felt that if she focused on a defensive combat style, it would allow her to be calm and patient, however she practiced this form little, so against someone moderately skilled, the form can fall apart on her. [color=crimson][b]Lightsaber:[/b][/color] She carries a simple [url=http://img11.deviantart.net/6bc3/i/2012/081/a/b/lightsaber_7_by_kilgorin0728-d4tlsow.png]white hilt[/url] on her waist, it accented with bits of black around the grip of the weapon, the only noticeable amount of color on it being the activation button. The hilt holds a red kyber crystal inside, this was her original crystal, when she joined the Jedi, she replaced it with a green one, but after she left it, she returned the original one, feeling she didn’t deserve the new one she had obtained. [color=crimson][b][center]-Personality Details-[/center][/b][/color] Sadi is gentle at heart, but because of her training with other sith early on, she has a hard time not letting her anger get the better of her. She tries to be as helpful as possible to everyone she can, but she’s also not one to shy away from confrontation. When she has some free time, she tries to relax by laying in grassy areas or practicing her lightsaber forms. [color=crimson][b][center]-Biographical Information-[/center][/b][/color] From a young age, Sadi was trained in the old ways of the sith, learning to use the dark side of the force and her negative emotions to give her strength, as well as being taught to use the powerful and aggressive Form VII – Juyo/Vaapad, had she continued down this path, she would’ve been a powerful and formidable sith warrior. However she had a kindness to her that even with all the training and feeding on the dark side couldn’t get rid of and she greatly disliked that she was being trained this way, all so that her species could come back to the galaxy and be the imposing threat they were millenia ago. The first chance she got, she fled from her homeworld during the middle of the night, making her way to the Coruscant to see the Jedi Masters there, she was a bit nervous at first, for one thing her species was thought to have gone extinct and two was she was sith, body and all and she didn’t know how they would react to her when she arrived. When she had arrived and gone to the Temple, many Jedi were surprised and cautious of her, not only could they sense the dark side resonating with her but her outward appearance came off a little aggressive, but she did her best to remain calm and polite. After speaking with the Jedi masters and explaining why she came, the deliberated on whether to allow her into their ranks, after hours of discussion, they allowed to join the Jedi Order. Many of the Jedi in the temple were unsure if this red skinned being should be allowed into the order, they knew nothing about her, nor what species she was, well aside from older Jedi masters and the ones on the council, so they were all very wary of her. Sadi did her best however to learn how to be a Jedi rather than a Sith, it wasn’t easy for her though, because of how long she had been training with the dark side, resisting to call on it to give her strength wasn’t easy, but she eventually began to get the hang of it. Even with her Jedi training going smoothly, she still had anger inside her that she had been forced to grow when she was younger, so her master suggested along with meditation to practice the Soresu form, feeling that a defensive form would allow her to be calm in intense situations and quell the anger that she had been forced to develop for years. Things didn’t last peacefully for her however, other Padawans didn’t understand what she was and those that don’t understand something fear it, so they would attack her anyway they could, usually with insults; one day they had decided to challenge her to a ‘sparring’ match, but it was anything but that, they ganged up on her and injured her limbs. Fearing that they would kill her and with no other options she could think off, she called to the dark side of the force, her eyes becoming bright orange and she used the force to lift the four of them up and choke them. Sadi’s master heard the commotion going on in one of the training rooms when she had been passing by and was shoked at what she saw. She instantly called out to her apprentice, ordering her to stop and when she turned her head to her master, there was a grin accompanied with her intense eyes. Only when called to for a second time did she snap out of what she was doing, however it had been too late for one of the padawans she had been choking, they had died long before the others. Fearing what she had done and what the Jedi would do to her, she fled the temple and then eventually the planet, looking for some place where she could belong since she denounced the Sith and felt she could no longer be a Jedi after what she had done. [/hider] [hider=Ausneri Faralay] [center][color=lightsteelblue][h2]Ausneri “Neri” Faralay[/h2][/color] [img]http://pre07.deviantart.net/2b94/th/pre/i/2016/109/c/4/padawan_stetre_by_felicecore-d9zh7hn.jpg[/img][/center] [color=lightsteelblue][b][center]-Basic Data-[/center][/b][/color] [color=lightsteelblue][b]Homeworld:[/b][/color] Iridonia [color=lightsteelblue][b]Age:[/b][/color] 15 Standard Years [color=lightsteelblue][b][center]-Physical Information-[/center][/b][/color] [color=lightsteelblue][b]Species:[/b][/color] Zabrak [color=lightsteelblue][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=lightsteelblue][b]Physical Features:[/b][/color] Neri’s most recognizable traits of her species are her tattoos and horns, her hair is usually tied into a loose ponytail, with stray strands tucked behind her ears, usually covering most of her crown of thorns save for two near the top of her forehead. Framing her vibrant purple eyes are her tribal tattoos, choosing to take ones that represented her family lineage so she wouldn’t forget where she came from. Her height is around 174 cm (5’7”), so a little shorter than the average height of her species, but nothing that would make her seem small. Her attire usually consists of her robes, a white undershirt with a gray shirt on top and a black clothed sash completing the top of her look, for bottoms she wears dark brown trousers, the legs leading down to black leather boots, which they’re usually tucked into. [color=lightsteelblue][b]Cybernetics & Injuries:[/b][/color] Whilst she hasn’t been in much combat, she has been fortunate enough to not be seriously harmed that would require any kind of cybernetics. [color=lightsteelblue][b][center]-Jedi Temple Records-[/center][/b][/color] [color=lightsteelblue][b]Role in the Jedi Order:[/b][/color] Padawan [color=lightsteelblue][b]Jedi Master:[/b][/color] Luke Baskal [color=lightsteelblue][b]Skills & Abilities:[/b][/color] Neri’s abilities with the force as previously stated are about on par with that of her peers, she knows the basics such as telekinesis and force sense, she also knows some minor healing techniques with the force, but since she doesn’t practice it enough, it can’t be used for any major injuries. On the non force side of thing, Neri’s an excellent pilot, taking to flight quickly when she could, few can handle and maneuver a ship as she can. [color=lightsteelblue][b]Combat Style:[/b][/color] While Neri has a good command of the force, her more prominent strength is in lightsaber combat, she particularly uses and relies on the most is Form V, she practices both variants of the form, Shien and Djem So and tends to wield her lightsabers in the ancient style of Shien which is a reverse grip. She chose this form and it’s variations because she felt it provided the best balance for her in regards to defense as well as offense, especially with wielding two lightsabers and so far, it hasn’t let her down yet. [color=lightsteelblue][b]Lightsaber:[/b][/color] Neri carries two lightsabers on her waist, her main [url=http://pre08.deviantart.net/566c/th/pre/f/2011/292/4/b/4ba2d4418716c5b298b4d3ff90393f39-d4dd6ox.png]lightsaber[/url] is a silver hilt, accented with gold. Around the activation button is black with more gold accents and just below it is the crystal chamber which allows the inside to be viewed, it houses a blue kyber crystal which produces a blue blade. On the opposite side of her waist is a [url=http://img05.deviantart.net/34ab/i/2011/286/d/7/jedi_master_hall__s_lightsaber_by_kilgorin0728-d4bqh8e.png]shoto lightsaber[/url] with a slight bulge at the bottom of the hilt and a leather grip, inside it sits another blue kyber crystal. [color=lightsteelblue][b][center]-Personality Details-[/center][/b][/color] Neri for the most part is calm and restrained, she follows the rules of the Jedi and orders given to her, because her species is somewhat single-minded, her determination to complete a task can make her come off as somewhat prideful, but she does her best to present herself in a humble manner. In regards to completing the task at hand, she’s somewhat rigid with plans that are created and should plans go south, she will become stuck and confused on how to proceed. She tends to be overly selfless as well, especially in combat, because of the tougher body she has than most sentient beings, she’ll gladly put herself in harm’s way if it means keeping her comrades safe, sometimes relying on the traits of her species too much and not retreating when her body is more injured than it appears. In her free time, Neri will spend her time reading Jedi history in the library of the Jedi temple or in her room meditating. Though rare for her to do, she’ll sometimes just relax outside, even taking a small nap where she lay, but most of the time, she focuses on tasks related to being a Jedi. One characteristic of hers that may be seen as hate is her strong disgust for slavers, after freeing many slaves and her own family nearly becoming enslaved, she tends to not to give any slaver a chance should she come across them. [color=lightsteelblue][b][center]-Biographical Information-[/center][/b][/color] Born on Iridonia, Ausneri’s force ablities showed at a very young age, it wasn’t long after that her gifts showed that a representative of the Jedi Order came and asked her parents to allow her to be taken in and be trained as a Jedi. Seeing this as a great honor, they were ecstatic that the Jedi would want their daughter among their ranks and eagerly accepted. From there she spent the next few years learning to be a Jedi, learning the ways of the force, how to wield and properly use a lightsaber, even Jedi history and what they went through throughout the millennia that they had been around. She excelled in her training and whilst she was decent with the force, her true gift lay with lightsaber combat, having at least studied all the forms after learning the basics, she decided to go with [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Form_V/Legends]Form V[/url] and use both of it’s variants since this combat style provided the best of offense and defense. During a trip to Tatooine, she and her master went to negotiate some new hyperspace lanes with the Hutts that would allow the Republic to travel to other nearby Outter Rim worlds and provide aid to them, but along the way, they passed by a fresh group of slaves, chained to one another and were being lead on their way to be sold. Ausneri knew that since the Outter rim worlds like Tatooine weren’t with the Republic, they had no jurisdiction there and had to do their best to ignore it. She had tried her best to remain calm, but seeing so many enslaved people as they walked by and then saw a fresh batch of slaves being lead out of a shit, she couldn’t hold back any longer and drew her weapons, freeing the slaves and then going for the slavers when they retaliated. Her anger for them blinded her, so much that she didn’t hear her master ordering her to stop. She slaughtered the, even pulling ones that tried to flee back with the force and impaling them on her blades, she only finally stopped when her master interjected more physically, blocking her attacks with his own lightsaber, but not before she mistakenly took him for an enemy and cut off his right hand. When her master recoiled in pain, that finally snapped her out of her rage, but after seeing what she had done to those people, even if they were slavers and what she had done to her master, she fled the planet with burning tears on her face, knowing that after what she had done, there was no way her master nor the Jedi would ever be able to forgive her. [/hider]