Ceria Verkorcoran despised most cities and Bourgund was no exception. She also was growing tired of traveling with so many people. It seemed wherever this Daisy went, they accrued more of a following and saw an increasing amount of "action." Yet Ceria found herself not running off when she had had several chances to already. [i]What is it about this person?[/i] she wondered silently as she sat against a wall of the inn, staring up at Daisy's sleeping face on the nearest bed. Ceria's pack was still strapped to her back. Her homemade bow with a quiver of twenty arrows lay next to her on the floor. The prospect of beds didn't appeal to her, but contemplative thought did. Somewhere along the line her recollections of their party's fight with an old sea hag and slaughtering a village of mutated fish people drifted off into the lazy swirls of her semi-conscious meditation and before she knew it, morning had arrived. Upon exiting the inn, Ceria's attention was directed towards a large, well-muscled man shouting out apocalyptic nonsense. [i]Pfft, only in cities would this happen. Where's a quiet brook when you want one?[/i] she thought. But alas the words "sea hag" caught her attention once more and she cocked her head back toward him with renewed interest. They really should be getting on their way towards the general's barracks since Ceria was positively itching to be out of the city, but nevertheless she stood, arms crossed and foot a'tapping, for the burly man to finish his message. As Ceria studied the man more closely, she realized he was a dragonborn and that he had scales. Well that explained why he was so tall. It was also awfully weird to see such a capable-looking individual waxing apocalyptic; just another reason why Ceria stopped to listen to the message in more detail.