Walks to the back of the store and hears the yelling through the door. He instantly gets mad hearing the man yelling. He steps inside and looks ready to go on the warpath. He shuts the door, turns on a radio and picks up the phone. He tries cutting the man off several times to no avail until he suddenly yells right in the phone. "SHUT UP YOU ASSHOLE!" The guy immediately quiets down and that is when Tyler goes off. "Listen up you jerk! You are yelling at a woman for getting in an accident. You cut straight to cutting her down for something she has no control over. Nuh uh, this shit is not happening on my watch. She crashed a car, and cracked open her head but you think more about the money than her well being and that really pisses me off. You deserve to lose EVERYTHING! You care more about your fucking money than the welfare of your employee. I am gonna make sure everybody knows what kind of loser you really are and I have the connections to do it. Now rot in hell you pissant." He hangs up the phone on him and turns to Ele. He kneels down, hugging her. "Sorry about that hun, you do not deserve that."