A few years after the scheming Apollyon’s demise the three factions - Knights, Samurai and Vikings, are once again locked in a deadly three-way war. The Viking’s attempt to reclaim their land clashing with the Knight’s will to keep theirs and the Samurai’s need for a new home. Unknown to the factions at large, and surely to our heroes, ships of an unknown design are sighted in the west, making their way toward the middle of the conflict. A new challenge awaits our heroes, it is time to find out if a millennia of war has made them stronger, or weaker. This game vs the original: Many things will be kept from the game such as, hero setup (names, general appearance, general abilities), faction and world history and maps. Try to stay true to your hero, if you are playing a heavy, you will not be able to dodge everything. If you play an assassin, your ability to block is not that great. Other things will be different. Combos will be different since we now work with freeform instead of a game engine, nothing is guaranteed simply because it is so in the original. Unless a move is set up right, it can be defended against. Revenge is no longer something you build up and activate on a whim, but a last-resort power-up. Use it wisely, afterwards you will have a window of exhaustion. There now exists a common language between the factions which all heroes knows. They can still communicate in their faction language, which should not be known to the other faction’s heres. Generals: Each faction will have a general. These are players who has come forward as knowledgeable of their respective factions. They are the GMs trusted advisors when it comes to any kind of issue, be it with a character concept or action within the game. This does not affect their character or in-game actions in any way. If several people wish to claim the role of general, they will face in a duel if both are owners of the game. Preferably one that is recorded so the rest of us can enjoy the bloodshed. Official info on the available hero classes: https://forhonor.ubisoft.com/game/en-us/game-info/heroes/ Heroes are exclusive, there can be only one. Heroes claimed: Knights: General: Warden Conqueror Peacekeeper Lawbringer Samurai: General: Kensei Shugoki Orochi Nobushi Vikings: General: Raider - Björn Frostborn - [@GingerBoi123] Warlord Berserker Valkyrie Enemy faction: TBA Regular soldier: TBA Vanguard: TBA Heavy: TBA Assassin: TBA Hybrid: TBA CS: [hider=CS][noparse][hider=Character name] [hider=Basic Information] [b][u]Name[/u][/b]: [b][u]Nickname[/u][/b]: [b][u]Gender[/u][/b]: [b][u]Age and season of birth[/u][/b]: [b][u]Age Appearance[/u][/b]: [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b]: [hider=picture][img][/img][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Personal Information] [b][u]Personal motto[/u][/b]: [b][u]Moral code[/u][/b]: [b][u]Quote[/u][/b]: [b][u]Favorite weather and season[/u][/b]: [b][u]Family[/u][/b]: [u][b]Most hated faction/hero, why[/b][/u]: [u][b]Most liked faction/hero, why[/b][/u]: [u][b]History[/b][/u]: [/hider] [hider=Combat Information] [b][u]Weapons/Items[/u][/b][u][/u] [hider=Weapons/items] [b]Name of Weapon or Item[/b]: [b]Description:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [/hider] [b][u]Special Traits[/u][/b] (What sets your hero apart from normal people) [b][u]Signature moves:[/u][/b] (Either from the official combo-list, or make your own. Don’t make more than three) [hider=Move name] [b]Name of Move[/b]: [b]Type[/b]: Offensive/defensive/ [b]Range[/b]: Melee-short-mid [b]Description[/b]: [b]Weakness[/b]: [/hider] [/hider][/noparse][/hider]