This was not the greeting Merrillka expected. She had only just entered the town and stood near the tavern door when someone else passed before her and slammed the door in her face. She supposed it was her fault. Most people didn't pay any attention to her presence. To be fair, that was a good thing. It gave her the feeling of being dead, or at least a ghost. She was only half of either. Regardless, The Frozen Ogre was the right place - it's not an easy name to forget, nor is it a common one. She opened the door, stepped in, and closed it much more gracefully behind her than the previous door-enterer. Casually stepping up to the bar, as if she'd been here many times before, she looked to the barkeep. Before she could utter a word (but after she raised her hand like she was going to say something profound), she noticed two things. First, the bartender looked ridiculously hungover. Second, she saw her question didn't even need to be asked. She may not have the best of facial recognition for dead people, but ones she expected to see again tended to stick. She lowered her hand and sat next to the woman who had summoned her here with a chain of dead souls. "Arianna." She said, not so much a question as a 'this is who you are, I remember you, and I am acknowledging your existence.'