In a cave on Dantooine Kale Doro sat cross-legged in meditation. He had set up alarms around the entrance to the cave, clearing the rest of the crystal cave first, to make sure that no Kinrath or Kath hounds came upon him while he was in this state. His mind, however, wasn't there. It had been drawn to Naboo, where a group of teens, also strong in the Force, yet not fully of the Light or Dark side, were in another cave. He wasn't sure why he as drawn there, but if the Force was guiding him there, he should see what it was about. He returned to his body and stood up. He would have to go there and find them. Maybe the Force was leading him to a group of similar people so that they could rebuild the Je'daii Order. He could hope, at least. An hour later he had loaded his equipment into the shuttle the Order had issued him for his life in solitude. He then walked into the cockpit, and lifted off, setting course for Naboo once he was in space.