Just by Will's observation, and opinion, it only made the pirate narrow her eyes, and form a smirk on her lips. She had a plan; which would either be madness, or brilliance. --------------------- Upon the hidden ship, the quartermaster John Silver, once again, had the spyglass, scanning across the already-damaged town, searching for their temporary captain. [i]Come on...come on..[/i], for the umpteenth time, this was being said from him this morning. Vivienne has been there all night, no doubt getting caught, or perhaps seducing someone for a successful pardon. He held no doubts on Black, although he did, at times, worry. He will never admit it, though. He may be charming, but this doesn't make him a womanizer. Not at all. It was all for self-need, and satisfying the crew. Nonetheless, Silver confided in Black... --------------------- Waiting for a group of red coats to march by, Vivienne led William to an upside down rowboat upon the beach, and hid underneath it, until another group trotted by. With herself in the front of the upside down boat, she led the way into the ocean.