[quote=@The Dow Dragon] [@Iuniper][@Dismas] I wasn't implying that you'd need to be an Olympian to shoot a bow of that weight. I've known a few people who can shoot that weight easily and are not in the best shape. What I'm saying is, Alaron is skinny is he not? Typically, it is easier for thin people to do pull-ups/chin-ups even when they're not muscle bound because they don't have to lift as much weight. While I can believe that even with sporadic practice, Alaron could become decent with a bow, I find it hard to believe that he could not pull himself up. In addition to this, a bow that is designed to kill Man or Mer (based on the English Longbow) is anywhere from 70-90 lbs of draw weight. OR, if we were to base the draw weight on the infamous Mongolian bows, 100-160 lbs (Insanely powerful). So the real question here, is what type of bow does Alaron typically use? If it were a hunting bow (50-60) I could believe him not able to do many pull-ups/chin-ups, but I insist he would be able to do at least one. If he uses bows designed for war, he would definitely be a lot stronger. But from what you describe of him, it seems he favors the lighter hunting bow. [/quote] [s]As someone who can't do a chin/pull-up and shoots 50lbs, I beg to differ, as much as I hate admitting that I'm weak. (For science!) English longbows were as heavy as 180 lbs of draw weight, though I don't know anyone personally that shoots more than 125 just because it is incredibly exhausting and kind of dangerous. From my experience, most modern Mongolian Horsebow users only shoot 40 to 60 lbs which is still pretty powerful.[/s] In my opinion, Alaron probably uses a standard barebow given that that's the only type available in the game.