[b]Tartys[/b] She hadn't been entirely sure at first, but Tartys felt a burst of satisfaction as the jet fighter that she had been shooting at sprouted flames, and not the kind that indicated a weapon being launched. The plane began tumbling out of the sky towards one of the islands below, and Tartys turned away from it with no further regard. Turning around, she quickly assessed the state of the battle. Her eagles were gone, but they had done what they had aimed to do presumably. It seemed like the fighting had spread out without Zeruel around to focus on, and she could see fighting going on elsewhere. The Demons and Machina were slugging out, but more concerning was the giant cloud of red headed their way, and even she could pick up the demonic taint coming from it. It was just like those two previous battles all over again. Well there wasn't much they could do about it, at least not yet. They still had a bit before it became the most pressing problem to deal with, and in the meanwhile the forces of Heaven needed to secure the advantage on the battlefield. She paused for a moment to enchant herself, her appearance visibly flickering in a wavy blur, to make it difficult to pin down exactly where she was standing. The same sort of spell she had used in the previous battle on Syphax. She could use the help too. With that done she winged towards the nearest confrontation, where a demonic army of ice was advancing towards a particular island. Coming up behind, she twirled her spear before summoning her inner magical energy. The entrance would be quite impressive, the ground trembling before pillars of light lanced up into the sky beneath the ice beings that marked along, destroying them in blasts of holy energy that appeared and then faded ephemerally like the breeze, leaving only destruction in their wake. Rapidly on the heels of that would come lancing beams of light, striking at Gelgath from where Tartys had spotted him. It might have been smarter to let him take out the Machina first, but in this case they might not have that kind of time. Best to remove the one who had an army at his disposal first, and then cleanup the rest. She was certainly ready for it as she darted about in the sky to throw spells his way. [@Mega Birb][@Lmpkio]