[quote=@Spoopy Scary] GM posted something in the interest check about how there are two more available slots, and I'm interested, but... How do you even summarize a whole year of writing? It's kinda daunting. Is the "story in pictures" on the front page all I gotta know to get caught up? What has happened lately? Dang. I've seen the name of the RP around and kept wanting to look, but always figured it was too far long for me to really get into it. [/quote] Welcome, good to know our name's getting around. As other users have stated, catching up is not as daunting as one may think. However, the [i]Journey in Pictures[/i] gallery won't be much help with summarizing, as it is mostly a visualization and a decorative flair. [@Frizan] should provide you with the latest summary today, and if he can't do that, I will write one up for you. One way to quickly get started here is knowing only the background information relevant to create your character. [@Dervish] and myself can guide you through the character creation process, and once your character is ready for action, you can ask your way around in-character. Doing so can keep you from being overwhelmed and integrate lore knowledge with IC progress. [quote=@Hank] My second character Narzul Venim, brother of Niernen, has been added to the Characters tab. EDIT: My opening post for Narzul will involve him reaching Dawnstar after following a lead from the Tamrielic Gazette, namely Madura's interview with Niernen from way back in Windhelm. Would anyone like to collab with me for that bit and have their character be the one that Narzul runs into first? [/quote] Not so fast. I strongly recommend you introduce Narzul through a solo post. Solo lets you focus on Narzul's journey to Dawnstar and his first impression of everything around him, without being distracted by long conversations. You can always put in another collab right after.