Roche balked at the request for identification, pointing at the stripes that laced across the protective coating around his shoulders. "You see these? Shouldn't that be enough or shall I illustrate what happens when a Blue Stripes commando gets waylaid by guards who should know better than to ask?" The guards looked at each other and grumbled under their breath momentarily before putting on apologetic airs: "Sorry about that. Proceed on in." Shooting both them glares, Roche then settled his attention on Eve to answer her question: "Who said we were going to tell anyone?" A teasing smirk flitted across his face as the stench of city dwellers assaulted his nostrils. "Don't think I'll ever get used to that." His nose scrunched in disapproval before telling his companion: "Get us off the main square so I can direct you to one of our...safer locations." They careened off the square and down a ramp towards some of the seedier portions of the city, Roche stopping Eve upon reaching a dead end flanked by two abandoned buildings. Roche disembarked, knocking on the door to their right in a distinct pattern, prompting the quick appearance of garbed Commandos. "Commander?" "Grab the cargo in the back and store it downstairs. And Charles, that coin you brought from the sewers, grab it." The commandos complied, the one named Charles producing a silver coin with an all too familiar etching. "See that? Grabbed on a body that was dumped not too far from here that was...well, you'll have to see for yourself. Mind looking at the body for us?"