[i]Tap, tap, tap... SWISH[/i] Kurt's offhand vibroblade cut through the rain, slicing several droplets with it's fine edge. [I]Tap, tap, tap... SWISH-SWISH [/i] Kurt had always enjoyed practicing his lightsaber forms in the rain. He had no targets to hit when it was bright out, a tree or a rock couldn't emulate an opponent's complex movements. The rain drops made him focus. [I]Tap, tap, tap, tap... SWISH-SWISH-SWISH[/i] With the combination of Kurt's force camouflage and the rain, he was virtually undetectable to anyone. He preferred it that way, since the invisibility gave him comfort and allowed him to focus solely on his technique of two handed bladework. Kurt's paranoia was temporarily subdued. [I]Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap... SWISH-SWISH-SWISH-SWISH[/i] The rain's intensity picked up, and so did Kurt's ferocity in his swings. Each slice came faster and stronger than the one before. His breath became heavy. He became irritated with his increasingly difficult foe, who did not let up on their assault. [I]Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap... SWISH-SWISH-SWISH-SWISH[/i] Kurt tried to keep up with the rain, but could not keep pace now. The Ssi-Ruu swung in vain, but the power in his strikes grew. [I]Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, SWISH-SWISH-SWISH-SWISH-SWISH[/i] Kurt let out a roar and disabled his camouflage as he swung wildly, desperately trying to land a blow against his invisible enemy. He fell to his knees, panting heavily. He murmurred to himself. [color=f26522]"There is no passion..."[/color] The rain began to let up. Exhausted, Kurt slowly rose from the ground. It was about time to head back to Anna. He hoped for a lesson about the force today.