[center][b]Haruhi Suzumori ~Team Hayashi~[/b][/center] [center][i]"I hope that sometime in the future we all get to be great friends!"[/i][/center] Haruhi, in the midst of all this action had somehow ended up on her butt, protected by her sensei. [b][i]Mika Hayashi...? What a pretty name! Well, i guess a pretty lady has to have a pretty name.[/i][/b] She stood up as her new teacher told them to put their wepons away. She moved passed Hayashi Sensei and went to retrive her two kunai. The paper was just starting to crumble away to ash. As she picked up her kunai and put them away she spoke softly. [b]"Just in case anyone was wondering, the bomb tags were fake seals that I made a while ago. They weren't really going to explode."[/b] she said as she walked over to her team. She put a hand on her hip and went to stand in front of her sensei as she was instructed. [b]"I guess i'll go first with the introductions."[/b] [b][i]Stay posetive Haruhi. Their people, just like you. Chin up, smile, and speak...[/i][/b] [b]"My name is Haruhi Suzumori...but you guys can just call me Haru. My goals are to travel around and visit all the different villiages of the world and learn how to be a greater shinobi than my Father Shougo Suzumori. My Father passed away when I was little so my Mother and I dont have anyone to look out for us. I decided that i'm going to work hard and get stronger so that I can watch over my Mother and anyone else who is important to me. If I stay at the level I am now, I know theres no way I can protect myself, let alone other people."[/b] She stopped and looked at her two teammates. [b]"I'm really excited to get to know you guys. I can already tell you are both amazing shinobi, no doubt you guys are waaaaay stronger than me. "[/b] She looked down at her feet for a moment, a little embarassed for already admitting to being the weakest link. [b]"Also, I know we just met and all but...I hope that sometime in the future we all get to be great friends! And i'll try my best not to hold you guy's back from your goals as well. "[/b] she finished. She thought for a moment if she had anything else to say but decided she was done and gave a nice smile at the end. [b]"I think that's about it."[/b] she said cheerily. [i][b]Nailed it![/b][/i]