[center][url=http://fontmeme.com/grunge-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170401/89d1ac204962f1d7152b65407bd60228.png[/img][/url] [url=http://fontmeme.com/fonts/loud-and-clear-font/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170401/c7b6b66eb261f4bedc286daa657eb888.png[/img][/url] [i][color=cccccc]"Deals to Die For."[/color][/i] [hr][hr]- = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = -[hr][hr] [color=cccccc][i][sub]When the skies were aflame and burned, the Wal us what we yearned. |:| |:| |:| When God left us for damnation, the Great Sam gave us salvation. |:| |:| |:| When our old leaders failed us, the Great Sam rose up and led us. |:| |:| |:| When our old lives were purged, the great Wal’s numbers surged. |:| |:| |:| When we lost sight of the doors, we made new homes within. |:| |:| |:| When the Old World died, the Wal was born.[/sub][/i][/color] [hr][hr]- = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = - = + : |$| : + = -[hr][hr] [/center] [h3]Welcome[/h3] [indent][indent]Based upon the /tg/ homebrew setting [url=https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Walmart_Apocalypse]Walmart Apocalypse[/url], this RP will be set within the confines of one of many mega Walmarts that people have flocked too when the world ended. Now how big are these megawalmarts you might ask? Try "the size of small countries"; these places are massive and seemingly go on forever and had their own residential blocks in the ages past, watched over by the eternally vigilant and murderous Stockerbots who both restock the sheleves and brutally slaughter anyone committing a crime. Given that everyone is basically committing some crime by simply having to "shoplift" to survive, just about everyone is a target so do try your best to say away from them. As for what this RP will entail, it is based on a group of Bargain Hunters, a catch all term for mercenaries, explorers and adventurers. The group will go through various biomes, cultures and peoples all without suffering horrible fates (hopefully). Given as the "canon" (the linked page)lore is some what sparse, lore development and world building will also be a part. CSs will be given the "mob democracy" review in which everyone gets to review and critique each other's character but I as GM will have final say. That said, come into this RP knowing that I can be a hardass GM at times and that there will still be limits as to what your characters will be like (ie having guns is something that will be heavily looked into) as well as being able to write at a high casual level and remain level headed and accept that things will not always make scientific sense.[/indent][/indent] [h3]Rules[/h3] [list][*][b]Be Mature and Follow Basic Rules[/b] - Don't be a dick, godmodder, poor sport, metagamer, keep interpersonal conflicts out of OOC, etc. Basic RPing manners really. [*][b]GM is God[/b] - My word is hallowed law and my will shall be done. I am a hardass GM but I do tend to be benevolent unless something requires me to be otherwise in which case I will become a hardass. I also reserve the right to retcon things and break my own rules as I see fit. [*][b]Timely, Good Posts[/b] - Try and post regularly, I'm not going to make any strict posting requirements but do try and stay active OOC/IC. If you have to drop out, please tell me; I don't hate when people drop and tell me, I do when they don't. I also suspect that people should be able to write decently length posts, nothing overboard but I will go after you if you make a 3 sentence post or something. [*][b]Have Fun[/b] - Seriously, this is all for shits and giggles and mocking consumerist culture and capitalism and stuff like that. If you have any ideas that you think would improve the RP/world in some way, do speak up. [/list] [h3]CS Guide[/h3] [indent][indent]Here is the CS Guide. I'm implementing "mob democracy" in that people can comment and offer suggestions to other people's characters provided they stay civil. Final approval however is still in the hands of the GM. Do make sure that your character is logical to established "lore" though. [hider=CS Guide] [code][center][img]IMAGE (Can just be a face claim)[/img][/center] [.hr][.hr] [indent][b]| NAME |[/b] [indent] Self explanatory. [/indent] [b]| DEPARTMENT |[/b] [indent]Where were you raised/currently live? Your character should make sense with whatever the Department’s culture is[/indent] [b]| AGE |[/b] [indent]Realistic for their experiences, please. [/indent] [b]| TRAITS |[/b] - This is where you're "personality" traits come in as well as skills, make sure to balance them though. [indent][list][*] [b]Attribute[/b] - [/list][/indent] [b]| EQUIPMENT |[/b] - Weapons, armor, trinkets, pets, etc. Don't go overboard and what you take should make sense with your character. [indent][list][*] [b]Item[/b] - [/list][/indent] [b]| BIOGRAPHY |[/b] [indent]Describe your character's life up until now. Where did they come from? Any major events? How did it shape them? Why or how have they ended up as a Bargain Hunter? Doesn't have to be really long though.[/indent][/indent][/code] [/hider] [hider=Example GM Character, Lewis Watton Sinesias] [center][img]http://pre13.deviantart.net/e41c/th/pre/f/2011/116/7/3/rise_of_legends_by_sigresource-d3ex8kl.png[/img] (Face Claim, not Armor and stuff)[/center] [hr][hr] [indent][b]| NAME |[/b] [indent] Lewis Watton Sinesias [/indent] [b]| DEPARTMENT |[/b] [indent]Clothing/Electronics[/indent] [b]| AGE |[/b] [indent]29[/indent] [b]| TRAITS |[/b] [indent][list][*] [b]Veteran Bargain Hunter[/b] - A life of adventure and exploring the endless halls and also has given otherwise untrainable skills such as that innate sense of danger and the ability to suppress that feeling paradoxically. He leads with great efficiency and has a good sense of management and navigation. [*] [b]Minor Noble[/b] - Born of a minor noble house within Clothing, Lewis is well educated compared to some others. However, not being a full noble with all the power, prestige and wealth that comes with it means that he doesn’t have the resources to truly pull together s [*] [b]Stubborn[/b] - Strong willed, Lewis doesn’t take things lying down and doesn’t quiet easily. Good thing for when the going gets tough, not so good when you walk head first into the Baby Goods Department. [*] [b]Ambitious[/b] - Between being the child of a lesser noble and being a Bargain Hunter, there’s no way he was never going to be ambitious, it gives him drive to do his work and feeds into his stubbornness (and potential narcissism). [/list][/indent] [b]| EQUIPMENT |[/b] [indent][list][*] [b]Gambeson w/ Plates[/b] - Gambeson made of various thicker patches of clothing with a tin can breastplate with faulds and shin guards; isn’t the prettiest nor the newest but it has served Lewis well even if he is jealous of other people’s armors. Also wears a reinforced metal bowl over his head as a helmet with a feathered flume made of Dire Raven feathers (think of British WW1 helmets). [*] [b]Vambrace Shield[/b] - Instead of having an actual shield, Lewis has strong, reinforced forearm guards that he uses to parry and block instead. Lewis got them from his travels in from a clan in the Meat section of the Food Department. Does jack shit against heavy and ranged weapons though. [*] [b]Bag of Dice[/b] - A small pouch of dice that Lewis has on him, often pulling them out on down time to play guessing or betting games with; the pouch contains one twenty sided die given to him by an old dorf friend as a good luck token before he died. [*] [b]Dual Chief's Daggers and Las-Revolver[/b] - Primary weapons of Lewis; both have been with him since the start. The daggers where some of his first loot while the Las-Revolver was a gift from his father when he first started his life as a Bargain Hunter as a farewell gift, its cylinder can hold 5 AA batteries at once but is single action. [/list][/indent] [b]| BIOGRAPHY |[/b] [indent]Lewis’s life began as a political maneuver between a minor noble of House Nike and a group of Tronboyz known as the Nervs. His mother was a daughter of the Sinesia and his father a respected warrior of the Nervs; it was hoped that such a marriage would solidify an alliance which would then provide the House of Nike with discounts on blaster weapons. Growing up, Lewis’s life would be split between time with both Departments of his heritage. In his youth he was brought up by courtiers and tutors of House Nike where he learned to read, write, plot, plan and organize along with how to fight to some extend. All the basics needed for Clothing Department nobility. Which apparently includes knowing how to shank someone and punch them in the face. When he was 10, he then spent more time with the Electronics Department. For 5 years he learned the ways of the Tron, honing his martial skills as well as creating a lust for old world things. Such was this drive that when he was 16, he set out to become a Bargain Hunter. Sometimes he would do it alone, sometimes with a group. Sometimes he had a patron sometimes he didn’t. Regardless, his life of adventuring has lead him to some rather exotic and interesting places as his experience helps make up the lack of vast sums of money that one sees with greenhorn noble jackass or the reputation of a wal-renowned Bargain Hunter.[/indent][/indent] [/hider] [/indent][/indent] [h3]Lore[/h3] [indent][indent]Here is the storage place for anything homebrew that we make in the RP. Terms, equipment, factions, people, lore, etc. Shall be used shortly. Hunting and Sports submitted by [@Aeonumbra][indent][hider=Hunting and Sporting Goods] [indent]Hunting and Sporting Goods is home to multiple areas of interest, and has a handful of different clans and sects. Much of their culture is based around misconstrued concepts and symbolism warped throughout the ages. The major beliefs and traditions revolve around the enthusiasts for Sports, Hunting, or Survivalism. There are very few truly civilized, settled areas due to the difficulty of travel within the department's domain, and the dangers that hinders everyday life. The largest of these is home to Sport, who settle in stadiums and arenas, safe behind the thick walls and secure doors. The hunters and survivalists are more nomadic, constantly roaming and shifting camps, never staying in on area too long and ever mindful of the dangers that lurk around every corner. Sport is a meritocracy, where a person is only as prestigious as they are skillful and a person's prestige is observed through the trophies they've claimed from defeated opponents. The warriors of this society, known as Players, push themselves to athletic extremes to be the strongest, fastest, and most skillful through the use of drugs and dietary supplements. The most notable drugs they inject regularly are; "Bulk-Up", to enhance strength and muscle growth; and "Boost", to increase stamina and endurance. The side-effects often cause the users to be quite temperamental and angry, which more often than not induces a sort of homicidal rage. Pissing of a Player may result in them killing you, or at the very least smashing a bunch of stuff. They can also enter this frenzied state of adrenaline and anger through their daily rituals of "Getting Amped". Linemen are the male warrior of the society who dress in reinforced layers of sporting gear, helmets, and pads. They have a berserker style of combat, where they rush towards foes in a blind frenzy becoming a locomotive of rage and muscle that is incredibly hard to stop. Fortunately, if you're not the target and you're not in their path you should come out relatively alright. The wield hockey sticks retrofitted with a combination of blades and spikes, or baseballs bats modified with spikes or with small, circular weights attached to bludgeon their enemies to death with. Some carry backboard kite shields. Their weakest point is their legs, which typically have little more than layers of thin, plastic shinguards encircling them. It is incredibility difficult to get through their upper armor and helmets which can easily shrug off blunt force attacks. Point-Guards are the female equivalent, and are almost always found behind the protective meat-wall of their linemen, covering and supporting their linemen and ensuring they are guarded from rear attacks. They have a range of weapons to attack from a distance and support the linemen. They lob overfilled balls which explode on impact, easily disorienting and knocking down their target. Point-Guards can also hinder foes by ensnaring them in nets, where they will drag them away from their allies and later sell them as slaves, or perhaps just beat them to death—It depends how mad they are really. Point-Guards primarily use bows or in scarce cases, modified pellet guns that shoot plastic, or metal pellets. These guns are much less deadly than actual guns, but can still puncture crucial areas, they are especially deadly in large numbers. The deadliest piece of their equipment is the amped-up ball launcher, which bombards enemies with deadly, green balls packed with powdered chalk which turns them into small cannonballs. Unfortunately this piece of equipment is heavy, and the process of moving it is slow and takes multiple hands to do. Team Captains are the head of a squadron of Linemen and Point-Guards, and the Manager is the sport equivalent of a military general, who oversees operations and directs the forces. The Manager is second only to the Announcer. Within Sport exists the subculture of the "Xfit", a people devoted to maintaining the temple that is their body and toning it to perfect. They abhor the use of drugs, seeing it only as unnecessary pollution to the body. However, they do have a regimen of health supplements, vitamins, and other essentials that they believed are required by the body. Some of these beliefs border on the weird and extreme. The Xfitters primarily act as the suppliers for sport. They're fast, agile, and have a high stamina which makes them ideal for raiding a territory quickly while the warriors of Sport deal with any threats. Xfitters also double as messengers and as a small parcel delivery service due to their ability to move through the course with ease. Following one through the Hunting and Sporting Goods department is near impossible. Whereas the Linemen and Point-Guards travel through ever changing safe routes mapped by the Trainers; Xfitters can maneuver through the obstacles and traps fluidly with speed and precision should they choose to. The final sect within Sport are the "Lopers". Most in Sport have mixed feelings about lopers, somewhere between disdain and pity, though they exhibit a tenuous acceptance as a whole. Lopers come from the hunting section of the department, though few sane individuals live there due to the higher concentration of Sekuritee bots. Because Lopers are not bulky like their sporty cousins, the often due work for the Owl Men employed as their eyes, ears, and hands. Lopers are nimble, ranged tacticians specializing in speed and cunning rather than brute force. Point-Guards often train with senior Lopers in the use of the bow. Lopers do the jobs deemed unfit for the simpler minds of their cousins, especially when it comes to removing somebody from their own society. Due to their secretiveness, and generally odd appearance of dark fatigues and masks, Lopers come off as a mistrustful bunch with hidden agendas. Despite technically being of the Player social class, Sport does not consider them as such. Rarely has a Loper taken part in Super Owl Sunday, and even skirmishes with them are seen as nothing more than a playful joke, even if a Loper wins. The Sports culture centers around a once-year, gladiatorial event known as Super Owl Sunday, the ultimate sporting event of the year. This event is overseen by the Owl refs, the holy men of their society who impart their wisdom of the rules and guidelines of Sport. Owlmen fill the roles of teacher, priest, and elder to help guide their people into Sport Valhalla, to forever skirmish with the God Fifa in the afterlife. The grand priest, and the final authority on Sport religion, and the herald who marks the opening of Super Owl Sunday is known as the Announcer, who is the equivalent to the king in their culture. It takes years to become a priest and learn all of the rules, but is regarded as one of the most respectable and honorable endeavors. Sport embodies the belief of Mad-Den; A cultural philosophy that honorable warriors who devote their lives to the sport of battle will forever live eternally within Sport Valhalla. They often skirmish with each other, and often times this results in bloodshed but they do not try to actively kill each other unless one side has declared a Rivalry. The two largest clans are the Mad-Men and Enefel, who have an uneasy relationship scarred with multiple rivalries and bloodshed in the past. They're also the two biggest competing teams. Hooter is the Saint of Sport, and Hooter's teachings revolve around relaxation, celebration, and teaches young, non-competitive women the ethics to continue the bloodline. Disciples of Hooters, or a "Hoot", "Hooty", or "Hooter", manage the various Sports Bars frequented by the warriors. Something of a mix between an actually bar, a raging party, and a brothel where Hoots can be sampled, or selected for breeding. Marriage doesn't play a large role in the society, rather Sport follows the principle of "The Broship". And always remember their golden rule, "Bros before Hoes". Hoe is a derogatory term for anybody who isn't good enough, whether it be lack of physical prowess or being ugly. If you ever call a Lineman or a Point-Guard a hoe, expect a rage induced fight. Establishing a Broship with another entails something akin to marriage, but without ceremony or rule over one another. The epitome of friendliness with the primary purpose of creating children. The Alpha in the relationship is the warrior, and the Beta is whomever the Alpha selects. It's an honorable tradition, to love, care for, and support your Bro, but with much less nagging. It should also be noted that a person is never confined to a single Broship, and may have many Bros. Those who are not Players do the menial labor. Slaves work the sweaty laundry fields, tasked with forever washing items from the stinking, rancid piles of discarded laundry. Though players respect all those but the slaves, Trainers hold a special place within their society. Trainers fill two roles: They mentor the young aspirants who want to become a player; and they are the department's caretakers. They fill the dangerous role of setting and maintaining the obstacle course labyrinth and have their own set of maintenance routes to use when hauling equipment out into the course. Trainers fight a never ending war against the stocker bots, who see the course as "walking hazards", which is absolutely correct. Stocker bots are constantly dismantling the course and hauling the items away into back stock areas, only to restock them onto the shelves at a later date. If a traveler is lucky, they'll find a path that has been cleared by the bots before a trainer has rebuilt the course. The Greenthumbs despise Sport, because they have greenspace from the fields and stadiums. However, Gnomes hold a begrudging respect for the care and maintenance Sport puts into their fields. Sport also trades frequently with Grocery to supply their beloved meats and junk food. Especially for their Sunday Tailgate, which is a weekly gathering of players that party and skirmish with each other. They also incur the services of Auto & Tires, Electronics, and Hardware to maintain their obstacle course and equipment. Hunting and Sporting Goods are often subject to wails from the Nevergrow, who hold a fervent fascination for many of their items. The Nevergrow are also surprisingly apt at navigating the course.[/indent] [/hider][/indent][/indent][/indent]