Recovering from his impact against the wall, Old N briefly shook his body by rattling his libs against the nearest surfaces he could reach, causing the floor underneath him to creak in an alarming fashion. Truth be told, he only needed to shake his head, but not having a neck rendered that sort of acrobatics necessary for even the simplest things these carapace-less gnats took for granted. Speaking of carapace-less gnats... Having mostly regained his bearings, the demon observed that the rest of the group was either rushing or being ushered out of the vehicle, presumably to confront whatever it was that had struck it in the side and caused it to stop. Or was it the other way around? Did it make sense at all? Probably not, but that was only an unnecessary load upon his attention, and rapidly slid off from its slippery surface. He contemplated whether he should crawl outside himself. He could remain still there, and sleep through the resolution of the problem; however, considering just how capable the others were, there would likely be no resolution, and his slumber would eventually be interrupted by some marauder or the other. Thus, there was little alternative to venturing forth once again. The way out was just as laborious as the way in ad been, but at least this time he had to clamber down, not up, at the vehicle's entrance. Only once he had issued from the corridors did it occur to Old N just how more [i]free[/i] the outside was. Here, he was not cramped amid narrow walls, not at risk to be trapped in a doorway... All of which was very well, but he did not care much for movement. Now that he thought of it, the interior of the vehicle had probably been better. Still, stretching his pincers would not do him any bad. The demon cast an uninterested glance at what seemed to be a new arrival, as well as the body which had struck against the vehicle, and, not finding her any more interesting than the other lizard demon, focused once again on his pincers. Still painfully broken and unusable, but- Wait, did he have a...? Of course! Having rapidly searched his sack, Old N produced from it two cylindrical red tubers, a few odd-smelling purple berries and a single blue mushroom, and proceeded to munch them into an unpleasant-looking paste which he applied, by the means of his mandibles, to his mutilated appendages. For good measure, he spat out some leftover Magic Mixture which he had somehow still not swallowed. If those were what he believed them to be, the healing process should have proceeded a great deal faster, perhaps with some interesting side effects. Satisfied with the result, the demon shambled towards the rest of the group. Maybe some of them had some idea of what they were supposed to do. Then again, the longer they spent figuring it out, the better.