[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qz3Gw8a.png[/img][/center] [color=bc8dbf][h3][center]~Charlotte LaChance~[/center][/h3][/color] [hr] By the stars. [i]fine![/i] If Cait wanted to forcibly be shoved off she'd do it. She didn't mind getting a little rough every now and then to accomplish her goals. Besides, Cait was being just plain annoying. This was not how you treated or talked to people you wanted to be friendly with at all! [color=bc8dbf]"Fine then!"[/color] With a growl, the tattoos suddenly began to glow slightly with power. Charlotte didn't realize much of what she was doing, but it was quick, and fairly noticeable. Filled with some sort of unknown strength, the alchemist did almost [i]exactly[/i] what the native suggested. Grabbing Cait by the arm, Charlotte twisted it, hopefully not enough to actually do any harm but she didn't know the upper limits of her strength at the moment. Using her free arm, a swift jab right to Cait's stomach, hopefully enough to wind the native enough to loosen her grip on her. She should have stopped there, but she was still holding onto Cait's arm. With a powerful pull, Charlotte practically tossed the native off of her. After it was done, Charlotte was not happy. Not in the slightest. She dusted off her dress with a frown, barely even looking to see if Cait had been hurt. She had asked for it, after all, and Charlotte was not going to apologize.