There we go. [hider=My Hider] Character Sheet : Name: Scilla of the Dancing Blades. Age: 132 looks around 25 Appearance:[hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] Scilla stands at 5'8'' feet tall with very long black hair, fair skin and piercing gray eyes. Like all women of her vocation, she's very beautiful, but at the same time currently her body appears a lot better trained than all her colleagues. Her muscles are well defined, but not invasive to the eye and it's clear she's no pushover when it comes to physical activity. Race: Human sorceress School: N/A Bio: Scilla was born sometime before the great purge that nearly turned her kind and the witchers all but extinct. In fact she was just a young sorceress when it happened. She was just traveling with her direct mentor when they were jumped on by a great number of soldiers. Everything happened so fast that even to this day she is not completely sure how it all transpired. One moment they were simply riding a carriage down a road and the next a rain of arrows struck the vehicle. The carriage driver and the horses died right away, she and her mentor survived because of a shield he put. The following was a rather quick battle as a great number of soldiers died to magical fires and lightning, but her mentor also took an arrow to the back. Not wanting to die like a common mutt, Scilla was forced to defend herself, but she was considerably weaker than her mentor at the time. Still in that desperation, she reached into her mind and pulled a way of using magic that no one had taught her. By instinct, using her ability to manipulate objects and energy, she grabbed a great number of the scattered arrows, swords, axes and shields, anything that could be thrown and using her magic turned the hail of death onto the soldiers. First by a handful then by the dozens, as the weapons were hurled with ever so greater speed. She was mostly lucky that those were rather common troops, but non the less she managed to escape while the majority of the soldiers were trying to close their wounds from the randomly hurled sharp metal objects at them... at least those who survived it. After that event, Scilla fled the continent and headed north towards Skellige. The islands were a great place to lay low from the massive witch hunt that was happening, especially since she dressed like a commoner and eventually joined a ship's crew. She spend the following 50 years on ships, before disembarking back on the continent. By now she had mastered sword fighting to a certain degree and in secret she had also advanced another skill she discovered when she escaped the purge. The precise and exact manipulation of energy, which allowed her to control objects and fight with them. Over the next 50 or so years she spend the time traveling, mostly spending her time as witchers would do, despite her not being one. The time with at Skellige taught her to appreciate great alcohol and all chaos that came with it. Eventually she was dubbed The Dancing Blades by a bard from a caravan she happened by complete chance to safe from some rampaging nekkers. In general she did prefer to not use her additional blades though, keeping a low profile and being confused with one of the many warrior women out there suits her just fine... When the Second Conjuring happened it came as only a very vague surprise. So was the massive hunt down for witchers and sorcerers that followed in the desperate attempt by the Grand King to safe his skin by throwing those they deemed evil and unnatural at their enemies. Well for now at least they have not yet realized what she was, so she kept quiet for the moment, simply spending her time, planning a next move. Wondering which would be more beneficial... the death of the new monsters or the death of the...Grand King. Personality: Mostly calm, Scilla is a very level headed individual who would rarely explode in bursts of rage, but once she does, her wrath could be stated to be legendary. She's has incredibly good memory for people who wronged her in some way and eventually she will always deliver her vengeance down the line. Besides that she's someone who loves nature in almost all of it's forms. One of her most favorite things to do is lay down on a sunny beach, enjoying the sun. Weapons: 2x Curved steel sword 4x Steel straight narrow blades Leather bundle wrap for the blades Family/relationships?: None that matter. Other: Immense hatred for The Grand King . [/hider]