[center][h1][color=royalblue]The War of Unitatis[/color][/h1] [/center] [center] [h2][color=steelblue][u]Setting[/u] [/color][/h2] [/center] The world of Unitatis is comprised of three continents: Fortitudo, Temperantia, and Iustitia. The northeastern land of Fortitudo possesses a powerful crystal, which was gifted by the gods in antiquity to the reigning Elisium dynasty. Temperantia, located in the south, is made up of islands and has been annexed by the Iustitian Empire, which lies to the west and benefits from its advanced technology. The province of Sapientia is under Iustitia's control, but maintains some autonomy due to the presence of the oracle, a priestess who has the power to fight a plague that turns people and animals into vicious daemons. Watching over Unitatis are the divine beings that can appear in the mortal realm, usually as colossal and powerful beings known as the deorum. For hundreds of years Fortitudo and Iustitia have been at war. While many lands have been lost to the empire, the Fortitudan capital of Somnium remains untouched due to the Murus, a barrier maintained by the king and the crystal's magic. Peace talks have begun in hopes of bringing an end to the conflict, one of the conditions being a marriage of Prince Adam and Lady Eliana, the Oracle. [center] [h2] [color=steelblue] [u]The World of Unitatis[/u] [/color] [/h2] [/center] According to the legends of the human population, Unitatis was created by a race of beings that descended from a higher plane. The deorum formed a key part in this creation process. The mysterious beings retreated from the world, while the deorum would remain - in future years, they would become recognized as a race of their own, with their own language and agendas, and a wish to protect the natural world. [hider=Fortitudo]The Kingdom of Fortitudo is a powerful nation in the world of Unitatis. It contains Fortitudo's Crystal within its capital, Somnium. It is ruled by the Elisium bloodline that is sworn to protect the Crystal and, one day, hopefully learn to wield its power. Fortitudo is a highly advanced and culturally intact. Fortitudo prospers thanks to the presence of its Crystal. This magical artifact alienates the kingdom from the rest of the world, which has fallen under Iustitia's control. Fortitudo’s Crystal is kept safe from those who would seek to steal it by King Leon Elisium, who ages rapidly because he must use his magic along with the Crystal to maintain the Murus barrier around Somnium. King Leon is widowed with a single son as his heir; Adam. .Somnium - The capital of the kingdom of Fortitudo and is known as the "Royal City." Somnium hosts Fortitudo's seat of power, and it contains a large Crystal within its walls. A modern metropolis stacked with skyscrapers, the Royal City contains lush areas but is surrounded by a wasteland. The city's seat of power is at the Citadel, from where the Murus barrier that protects the city is projected from, and where the royal family lives.[/hider] [hider=Temperantia]An island or archipelago spanning nation, Temperantia is to the southeast of the Fortitudan Continent. Its most prominent city is Mutare, a city on water navigated via waterways. It is part of the Iustitian Empire, but has its own government. .Mutare – The capital of Temperantia, surrounded by water, and being characterized by waterfalls and canals. Mutare is known to be one of the cities closest tied to nature while maintaining the status of a city. Bit is also known to be one of the few places in the world where magic is widely practiced and utilized in everyday life. [/hider] [hider=Iustitia]The Empire of Iustitia has achieved world domination bar the Kingdom of Fortitudo that has defended itself with the Crystal's power. Sapientia has limited autonomy from Iustitia due to Lady Eliana, said to have the blood of the oracle and has the power to commune with the gods. Iustitia is technologically superior and more advanced than most nations of the world. Automobiles originate from Iustitia, even though the cars made in Fortitudo are seemingly more advanced.[/hider] [hider=Sapientia]A province under Iusticia's control. The homeland of Eliana Botanica, it maintains some level of autonomy thanks to Eliana's status as an Oracle. Sapientia is a lush, green, mountainous area abundant in castle-like structures. The region is known to have many rare types of plants and flowers.[/hider] *More to come* [center] [h2] [color=steelblue][u]Deorum[/u][/color] [/h2] [/center] Said to be physical manifestations of the stars' power, deorum are hinted to be connected to the world's creation. They are intelligent immortal creatures that have their own agendas and speak a unique language only understood by those touched by gods. Indifferent to human affairs, deorum behavior cannot be interpreted because their thought patterns transcend the comprehension of mankind. The deorum are depicted as humanoid in ancient paintings and texts, the physical bodies in which they appear to mortals vary, however. The deorum are said to slumber in Unitatis, such as Terra, but also appear to exist in another realm. The deorum are the only beings known to be able to exist in both the mortal realm and in a realm that has only ever been told as the "Realm of the Six." The only time the deorum have ever been known to aid mankind was for one man; the “king chosen by the heaven,” the original king of Fortitudo. [hider=Terra]The goddess of the earth and land, is said to have caught a crystalline meteorite when it fell to Unitatis in ancient times from the heavens. She is said to sleep while carrying the land on her back.[/hider] [hider=Caelus]The god of storms and knowledge, said to have gifted man with the power to learn magical arts. He is said to look down upon humanity from the heavens. [/hider] [hider=Volturnus]The god of the sea and waters, is said to have little affection toward mortals. He is said to take out his wrath on the mortal world when not pleased by his “subjects.” [/hider] [hider=Suadela]The goddess of beauty and snow, is said to be the messenger of the heavens. She has a great affection toward humanity and is depicted to care for humanity similarly to a mother. [/hider] [hider=Virtus]The god of war and virtue, is said to have fought alongside the “king chosen by the heavens.” He is said to be the king of the deorum. [/hider] [hider=Cacus]The god of fire and wrath, is known as the Wicked among the deorum. He is said to have betrayed his own kind and has turned his back on humanity. [/hider] [center] [h2] [color=steelblue] [u]Magic[/u] [/color] [/h2] [/center] Magic is a mysterious force in Unitatis, but it is also one that is heavily studied and used. There are not many that have the abilities to use it, but those who do can use their skills to study and master all sorts of magic and spells. In the end, though, a great deal of mages will fall into a specific “class” or “types.” It is rare for a mage to be able to decide their own type of magic style, for most magic and the kinds that one can use depends on the person’s nature themselves. In a sense, the study chooses the student, not the other way around. [center] [h3] [color=steelblue] [u]Magic Types[/u] [/color] [/h3] [/center] [hider=Elemental Magic]Elemental magic, in most studies, is considered the fundamental breakdown of all magic. Most studies can break all magic into at least four key elements; air, earth, fire, and water. There are several other studies that will often focus on a fifth element, different depending on which type of magic you study (spirit, void, aether, etc). This Fifth Element differs from the four fundamental elements that are derived from nature and instead is found within the mage themselves and requires the use of their own magical energy. It is important to note that none of these studies are better than the other, and at the same time, none of them are more correct or incorrect in their studies. Magic is a very fluid force that exists in all sorts of places and can be used in a variety of ways. -Air/Wind – This type of magic focuses on the key fundamental element of wind, using it in the form of power gusts of wind, or even focusing it into razor sharp gales. Of all the elements, wind magic is considered to be the most “free spirited,” making mastery of it difficult to those with a more serious or rigid nature. -Earth – This type of magic focuses on the key fundamental element of earth, used in all sorts of uses ranging from defensive and architectural styles, though it has been known to be used in both offensive and healing styles as well. Earth is the “level headed” element, often easily studied by those with a more stable and serious natures. -Fire – This type of magic focuses on the key fundamental element of fire, often used more in offensive styles than anything else. Fire is the “passionate” element, often easily studied by those with emotional or irrational natures. -Lightning – This element has been to consider to be a used of both wind and fire magic, though in some studies it considered to be its own fifth element, independent of nature. It focuses of the use of lightning in offensive magic, often used in studies of battle magic. Depending on the mages style, it can be both summoned or generated from raw magical energy, being the key reason why it is a mystery whether it can truly be considered a Fifth Element or not. -Water – This type of magic focuses on the key fundamental element of water, used in a range of offensive as well as defensive styles. Water is considered to be a very “fluid” element that can be used by many types of natures, making it both easy and difficult to learn depending on the student. -Aether/Light – The Fifth element of light that is often used in healing styles as well as dispelling Daemons, curses, and other dark forces. Being a Fifth element, it has no true nature it can be used by, and the reasoning for mastery is unknown. -Void/Dark – The Fifth Element that is often used in offensive on destructive styles. Being a Fifth element, it has no true nature it can be used by, and the reasoning for mastery is unknown.[/hider] [hider=Sound Magic]A magic style that uses sound waves as a basis of their spells, often used by those with a higher affinity to wind magic. This type of magic is often utilized in offensive or ailing styles, though sometimes used in hypnotic ways.[/hider] [hider=Summoning Magic]This type of magic focuses on the use of magic to summon weapons, tools, or (though it is not as common) living creatures. More times than not, this style of magic relies heavily on a Fifth Element affinity, usually Void/Dark.[/hider] [hider=Time Magic]This is a fickle type of magic, often used with an affinity to a Fifth Element, to manipulate the flow of time whether it be speeding up, slowing down, of bringing it to a halt. This magic is often uses to speed up one’s reflexes and movements, or even slowing them down on a target. This is an extremely rare type of magic, and though use of helping accelerate one’s reflexes is relatively common, the affect can only last for a few moments. [/hider] [hider=Elemagnetism]A type of magic that allows one to absorb magic and use it as their own (see Mage Breaker).[/hider] [center] [h3] [color=steelblue] [u]Common Mage Classes[/u] [/color] [/h3] [/center] [hider=Bard]A magical style that focuses on the use of sound in its spells, which can be used through voice, instruments, tools, etc. [/hider] [hider=Black Mage]A study of magic that specializes in the use of elemental magic in an offensive style. Often, Black Mages will study several teachings in order to get a grasp on multiple elemental styles as well as a handle on multiple types of Fifth Elements. However, it is extremely rare to master all, let alone more than one Fifth Elemental teaching, which is why most Black Mages are considered to be “users of many, masters of none.” [/hider] [hider=Artillery Mage]A study of magic used to summon weapons/tools at will, most mages either specializing in the summoning of a certain type of weapon or learning a small range of varying types.[/hider] [hider=Augmenter]A study of magic that uses magical energy to enhance physical strength, speed, and other aspects to enable the user an edge in physical combat. If skilled enough, the user may even be able use other types of magic to enhance their attacks (ex. Using elemental magic or other types of magic to perform things such as strikes of fire or electricity), though most turn to this use when having a low affinity for the key fundamentals of magic.[/hider] [hider=Summoner]A study where the user calls upon servants to offer aid or fight alongside/for the mage. This is a very difficult study of magic to master, and can be used in a variety of ways depending on the user. Similarly to Artillery Mages, Summoner’s often specializing in summonings of a certain type or learning a small range of varying types of summonings.[/hider] [hider=White Mage]A study of magic that specializes in the use of elemental magic in a defensive style. Similarly to Black Mages, White Mages will often study several teachings in order to get a grasp on multiple elemental styles as well as a handle on multiple types of Fifth Elements. White Mages also specialize in healing spells as well.[/hider] [hider=Mage Breaker]Someone who can absorb magic and turn it into raw mana, storing it within themselves using elemagnetism. This ability can be used to cast spells of their own. In a sense, a Mage Breaker acts like a magic battery, even passing the magic onto others to give them boosts of mana energy. Only the Eldritch Knights were known to be able to use this technique.[/hider] *Magic styles are not limited to what I have above, these are merely what I could think of at the moment and will probably be added upon throughout time. If you have more to add or something you would like to discuss or question, feel free to ask! [center] [h2] [color=steelblue] [u]Technology[/u] [/color] [/h2] [/center] Technology in the world of Unitatis is on par with modern day technology (ex. cars, guns, cellphones, etc.). There have been a few technological advancements through the integration of magic into military technology such as advanced prosthetics, magic powered weapons, and advanced airships. [center] [h2] [color=steelblue] [u]Daemons and Monsters[/u][/color] [/h2] [/center] Daemons are beings that thrive in the dark, and are damaged by light. They lurk in old ruins and caves, and emerge out in the open at night. If they are out when the sun rises, black mist begins to emit from their bodies as they take damage from sunlight. Daemons are thus also repelled by the bright lights of inhabited areas, and even the strongest headlights of cars, so long as they are the right brand. Outside of daemons, there are also some monsters and beasts that commonly appear at both day and night, though most are not nearly as dangerous and savage as daemons. [center] [h3] [color=steelblue] [u]Character Sheet[/u][/color] [/h3] [/center] [hider=CS]Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Likes: Dislikes: Personality: Background: Weapons/Tools: Magic/Abilities: Other Items: Other Info: [/hider]