The return to Candaeln was made in silence. Clerical matters aside, Nero couldn't shake the ominous events that had trascended in her head, as well as her failure to grasp the why and how. The revelation of the ghastly secret that the mages of Thaln kept such a dangerous artifact was bad enough, but the desecration of the shrine with a skeleton was but the last macabre touch. She didn't really considered the departure of the elf as related, but still losing a veteran could mean trouble in the long run. The eldest of the Sunfield twins exchanged looks with that of her sister, whom, at times, sported a sombre expression not unlike the one she was having. Even if she was making jokes and eyeing the captain in an impish way, she could feel it. She was concerned too. Who wouldn't? And besides, both of them thought alike. As both crossed the doors, Sult frowned upon seeing Tiral wanting to go to his room. Mage-boy always wanted to play it cool and not care about how their peers were after the travel, weren't they? Mages... But the assorted meeting of other knights caught her the attention. Some veterans, some new faces. And Nero herself couldn't smirk that the roses had a half giant aswell. She did look a little more... sharp than her own protegeé in the ravens. Well not that was difficult. Mariah was a nice girl, but she wasn't exactly the sharpest knife. However, it was another figure that caught her attention. Her eyes widened in shock. "No way, what is [i]he[/i] doing here of all things?" Nero whispered to herself, trying to find corroboration in her younger twin, than in fact that wasn't a play on her eyes. Livius Sunfield. It seemed to be true, as Sult had begun to walk in a hurried pace towards the elder sibling, Nero following short after. "Brother~!" The youngest twin said, words lingering in her mouth in a sweet, affectionate way as she deftly latched on his chest, performing a sisterly hug. "What brings you here? I have not seen you in years!" She added, her voice loud. Nero wasn't fooled. Sult was up to something. And she was pretty much sure that she knew what she was going to do. She just smiled, aside, as Sult Sunfield let out a giggle, still clinging to her brother. "...and you left us to fend on our own for a decade." She added, her sweet singsong voice becoming icy all of a sudden, as the hug tightened. That wasn't a hug. It was a throw. Using all her might and sisterly scorn, she hoisted the taller but definitely scrawny youth in the air as she bent backward, essentially throwing him headfirst in the ground as she bent backwards. [i]Well that's my cue.[/i] Nero grimaced, as she stepped in, and tried to help her brother. "Sult, that is enough. Behave." She added. [i]But well done. He's a dummy.[/i]