[quote=@ManoftheNorth] In earnest, I think the idea of the game is just that taking the time to specifically map out every little detail got rather annoying to the developers, so they just decided: "HERE IS TEXTURE 1! Use this. Only use this. It will be easier." That is why I generally value canon from Games only on major topics. That is only my opinion, I have Pet peeves myself, and with plenty of games honestly. Like I have a pet peeve with Skyrim that in the base game without mods, so much was limited with relationships and marriage, and I say this in the best of ways. I.e. I often play Khajiit because once upon a time I played Morrowind, got super into lore, and discovered the wonder that is the Khajiit. However, Bethesda decided it would be best to not allow Khajiit players, ANY Khajiit spouses. That is a peeve of mine. -- Also, if anyone wants to know Koldar or have previous association with him. We should talk about it before the Rp starts, I completely forgot to mention he is on the table for anyone who wants to have connections/relations/etc. with him. [/quote] I agree with you. The game tends to prefer brevity over accuracy. I think this is why theres this wonder of mods made by the community who often improves the game for the better and lore accuracy. [S]Then theres the nude and sex mods[/s]. Has Koldar travelled to Haakland? If he has, perhaps he could've taken on a job with Ferghus?